Berkely Eases Anti-Marine Stance

What do you want to be protected with,a hippie with a basket of flowers,or a Marine

A no brainer.Damn hippies.
What is our society coming to. This is absolutely crazy and disrespectful. Shameful!!!!
they should still take their federal and state funding away from them... they only caved this much because of the public outcry, they should loose all of their support and see how it really is

and the next time some disaster happens in berkley, I hope the marines are busy
IT'S still an ANTI-MARINE  
. So to
 with them and their pooches too
This just shows how rediculously stupid some people are. if it wasn't for recruiters and the volunteers they recruit we would get stomped by every country that wants to get at us.
You should see the drivel written on the BMW forums by many of the Folks from San Fran... There is a special kind of soft headed toolshed that is raised there... Almost comical, but not really.

these are folks that still believe that the Police will be there to protect them from an "evildoer", never really grasping that the the Police only show up AFTER the crime... It's aggravating.
You should see the drivel written on the BMW forums by many of the Folks from San Fran... There is a special kind of soft headed toolshed that is raised there... Almost comical, but not really.

these are folks that still believe that the Police will be there to protect them from an "evildoer", never really grasping that the the Police only show up AFTER the crime... It's aggravating.
yes but a rather poetic justice too.... (I bet they would also be the first to scream for "beefed" up patrols if things were a bit rough too)
I still think they should loose federal funding just because they tried to kick the Corps out of their town!!!!