airhawk seat cushion anyone use it

Haven't tried the Airhawk but I have the Suzuki replacement gel saddle and like it very much. I have done several 1/2 day rides and my butt didn't get sore and it is somewhat reasonably priced, approximate retail is $130 I believe. Surely someone here has used the Airhawk...
This really works. Add just a little bit of air and you can adjust position anytime. Gave it a try for a few miles and I'm taking it on my tour for late in the day riding, 5-600 miles a day and even on my custom Corbin it will come in handy. Its like 15 bucks and he had 40 of them. Stashes away easy too. I know it looks like a 'roid' donut but it really does work.
It was used by the 2 Brits that filmed "The long way around". Riding 1,000 miles a day. They loved them. A friend of mine uses one on his BMW and loves it. I'm looking for a deal on EBay right now.