200 Rear Tire


I've heard there's is a 200 rear tire in production, does anyone know who makes it, or a web site where it can be found?
No problem with clearance, the Corsa works well. Hard to compare the differances since the bike is extremely differant than it was ridden with the Michelins.

Gut feeling is that I would go back to the Pilot Sports, no negative thoughs on the Pirelli's at all.

Thanx for the feedback. I have a set of pilots, from a 929 I have. The rear is a 190, but I think the front is a different size. They seem to be more triangular in shape than the Pirelli/Metzlers. This would make turn in lighter/quicker.

I am more concerned with straight line traction, and high speed stability, so maybe the corsa's would be a better choice. The funny part is I had NO complaints about the battleaxe, it stuck well above 60 degrees.

TX series is being replaced by Pilot Sport, all who have tried the Pilot Sports are loveing life.

A 200 Pirelli Corsa resides on the bike currently and works real well, but the Pilot Sports will return on the next tire change. A 190 will be swapped off another set of wheels first to compare the handling differance.

I'm putting the wheels back on the busa(chrome), and was thinking of a corsa 200. The battleaxe is toast from N. E. last October. How do ya like the corsa? Enough clearence on the chain etc..?
