
You guys got all your facts mixed up. This is not social medicine. It private insurance companies writing these policies not the government. At which by the way i'm sure they are going to make a lot of money. There have been 18 increases to the debt ceiling between February 1981 and September 1987. In other words, there were 18 under President Ronald Reagan. And there were seven increases between January 2001 and January 2009 -- during George W. Bush's presidency. We should also note that it has been raised three times already under President Obama, on Feb. 17, 2009, Dec. 28, 2009 and Feb. 12, 2010. It's a fact of life in the government.
Reagan nearly tripled the federal budget deficit. During the Reagan years, the debt increased to nearly $3 trillion, roughly three times as much as the first 80 years of the century had done altogether. So don't give this Obama Bullsh&*t

And as a result of Reagan's efforts we ended the cold war and had an economy that sustained itself for 15+ years. We effectively "outspent" the Russians, crushed their grasp on the Eastern European nations, and forever changed its ability to be the threat they were. He also created enough jobs to pay down that deficit by the time Clinton took office. And I will give Clinton his due. He had the ability to squander that, and did not. From 1998-2001, his was the first Administration to show a surplus since 1969. Much of that from the momentum of what Reagan created but nonetheless, to his deserved credit. However had Clinton passed his Health Reform plans, that surplus would have become a deficit. So to that we owe the Republican controlled House and Senate of that administration.

Bush #1 was no great president but Bush #2 was an idiot. And our current choices of leadership has gone to picking the least worst of the worst idiots.

And when we have become a nation of debt and a nation of debtors, and we can't function otherwise, we are in a sad state of affairs.
the thought of of having a national healthcare system with the name OBAMA attached to it makes me sick to my stomach! this moron is so TOXIC to our nation and an absolute bafoon! god I cant wait him to leave office! "look at me I invented OBAMAcare..... while raising the national debt 6 trillion dollars!" "im all about saving money" lmao!

talk about socialism at its worst. obama sounds like a little 3 yr old. "im not negotiating with anyone, this is my healthcare plan that I and congress are exempt from but the rest of you will have to endure it." if its so good obama then why are you not taking part in it? what a schmuck!

a REAL president would be negotiating to find a happy medium but not this moron....:whistle: this is what happens when you elect a politician with very little experience governing. I can only imagine the people that voted for him shaking their head saying "wow what was I thinking."

LOL blame the tea party and fox and friends, they are the ones that named it "Obamacare" and drilled it in the heads of their followers, you do know the real name is the "affordable care act" right? ???
the thought of of having a national healthcare system with the name OBAMA attached to it makes me sick to my stomach! this moron is so TOXIC to our nation and an absolute bafoon! god I cant wait him to leave office! "look at me I invented OBAMAcare..... while raising the national debt 6 trillion dollars!" "im all about saving money" lmao!

talk about socialism at its worst. obama sounds like a little 3 yr old. "im not negotiating with anyone, this is my healthcare plan that I and congress are exempt from but the rest of you will have to endure it." if its so good obama then why are you not taking part in it? what a schmuck!

a REAL president would be negotiating to find a happy medium but not this moron....:whistle: this is what happens when you elect a politician with very little experience governing. I can only imagine the people that voted for him shaking their head saying "wow what was I thinking."

LOL you do realize it was the tea party along with Fox and Friends that created the name "Obamacare" and beat its viewers over the head with it, knowing the hatred for anything Obama by its followers would reinforce the negativity they spew. You have to know the actual name is "The affordable care act" right ???

Ahh the oldie but goodie Obama raised national debt 6 trillion dollars lol, you do realize that the majority of that debt came from the war and bail out that was signed under Bush, this was paid for on the good ol USA credit card and that credit card bill was due during Pres Obama's term. These are really simple facts to find, but the people that keep the nonsense going don't actually want you to know that part:laugh:

Again what is it he is suppose to negotiate on? The bill passed and has nothing to do with the government shutdown..... the question you should ask is why are these idiots trying to negotiate something they know is non negotiable? Its all BS. Fox and drudge my not be reporting this but even other Republicans say it was a flawed strategy and makes no sense to even have attempted it.
I think what you are finding SLO MO is that people really dont like intrusion in our lives by the government, the federal government in particular but really any government. You, your dem and repub friends can go back and forth between who is responsible for running up the debt and why, the fact is the debt will soon become unmanageable and we will be leaving our kids in a sht hole country with far fewer rights and liberties we have enjoyed and much poorer. The two Mafia families (Dem & Rep) are to blame, as we the citizenry are. I used to think I would be long dead before we hit the debt tipping point but I am beginning to think I will live to see the last act in this tragic show. I will leave you to partake in the CNN/FOX arguments while Rome burns.

LOL you do realize it was the tea party along with Fox and Friends that created the name "Obamacare" and beat its viewers over the head with it, knowing the hatred for anything Obama by its followers would reinforce the negativity they spew. You have to know the actual name is "The affordable care act" right ???

Ahh the oldie but goodie Obama raised national debt 6 trillion dollars lol, you do realize that the majority of that debt came from the war and bail out that was signed under Bush, this was paid for on the good ol USA credit card and that credit card bill was due during Pres Obama's term. These are really simple facts to find, but the people that keep the nonsense going don't actually want you to know that part:laugh:

Again what is it he is suppose to negotiate on? The bill passed and has nothing to do with the government shutdown..... the question you should ask is why are these idiots trying to negotiate something they know is non negotiable? Its all BS. Fox and drudge my not be reporting this but even other Republicans say it was a flawed strategy and makes no sense to even have attempted it.
LOL you do realize it was the tea party along with Fox and Friends that created the name "Obamacare" and beat its viewers over the head with it, knowing the hatred for anything Obama by its followers would reinforce the negativity they spew. You have to know the actual name is "The affordable care act" right ???
LOL... you do realize your WRONG! the phrase Obamacare was coined by lobbyist Jeanne Schulte Scott back in 2007. she wrote it in the trade magazine Healthcare Financial Management when talking about the 2008 campaign.

so nice try with tea party members along with fox and friends. gets ur facts straight before you have diarrhea of the mouth and ASSume you know what ur talkn about....:whistle:
LOL... you do realize your WRONG! the phrase Obamacare was coined by lobbyist Jeanne Schulte Scott back in 2007. she wrote it in the trade magazine Healthcare Financial Management when talking about the 2008 campaign.

so nice try with tea party members along with fox and friends. gets ur facts straight before you have diarrhea of the mouth and ASSume you know what ur talkn about....:whistle:

Worrying about what something is called , or who made it up , takes away from the issue. I want to write more, but you can't reason with closed minds, rave on.
Call it what you want....its not what it seems. A wolf in sheep's clothing. We had to get individual health coverage after my husband lost his job. We received a letter the other day saying our premiums are going up 200 dollars a month. Our deductible will go from 750 a person to 2000 per person. Our copays are also going up along with prescriptions.
Those of you that are on your companies group coverage, this will be your fate after the exemption expires. We will all be forced into government controlled health coverage and that scares the heck out of me.