Skotty down on the Dragon

Santosh don't make us come up there. Be careful & let me know what parts you may need. All of you have a safe trip the rest of the time. Glad you were able to get back on your horse.
Just glad he was OK and able to finish the ride, hopefully even the weekend.
Santosh, glad you were not hurt bad, sorry you went down. We'll get your bike in shape when you get home. You guys slow it down some! Don't make me come out there!
Glad your OK Scotty.. Pappy has a Puig st shield he's picking up for me from BusaCruise (Hillard).. If Scotty still needs one consider it donated..  
Thanks for the offer Doyle, MrNinja9 offered me one already. A lot of people offered to give me parts, and drugs for the pain. At the end of the day I was carrying a bunch of pills in my pocket
Santosh don't make us come up there. Be careful & let me know what parts you may need. All of you have a safe trip the rest of the time. Glad you were able to get back on your horse.
Thanks for calling and checking on me Michael n Lisa. Shibumi called in to check on me too. I am lucky to get away with just bruises.
Thanks everyone for the good thoughts. I know just as I do, you all have prayers for DadofThree, Naomi and Diesel. Hope they recover soon.
Skotty, Hope your shoulder heals quickly. Sounds like your bike is almost as good as new. Great to meet & ride with you this bash.
Man this is a Love and Hate reply.

I really hate to hear of someone going down


I really love to hear they could, and did, get right back up, and get back on her.

You guys take it easy down there and get back home safe, or I'll have to send GSXcite down to straighten you all out.

Please tell DadofThree, Naomi, and Diesel to get well soon too, for me.


We entered a set of 4 turns and as posted above, we were almost to the overlook and on the heels of the lead group... Skotty was riding well within his limits (Props bro!!) and had he not, it would have been truly disastrous...

Skotty took presence of mind to take ditch over a cliff.. honestly the look on his face as he crawled out from under the bike was the same one I had... "I am alive and well?" I think I was happier than he was..

Speed was not an issue (we were running around 15 mph) Fatigue as more likely the issue as I was getting a bit winded myself keeping up with the lead pack, we were just starting to fall back..

What was just as great was he got his wits back about him and returned lay a can of whipazz on the dragon with James (Twotonevert)
Glad to hear you're okay, man.

Keep the chin up!

Skotty, wish we would have thought about sending the mirrors with the wife when she met you guys to get my stuff. Drop me a PM and we'll get them out to you.
Hey Santosh, I found a small part of your windscreen in my back pack this morning as I unpacked everything...

I'm going to keep it and next year, you sign it and we'll run put it on the tree of shame if you didn't put the other pieces up already

I'm so glad you were OK and thrilled that you continued to ride...great meeting you!!