Skotty down on the Dragon


Michelle owns my Busa
Staff member
Friday morning a small group made and early Dragon run. The highlight of the run was to be that the Suzuki reps were along for the ride!

About 1/4 mile from the Overlook, Skotty went down in a ditch on the right. He was in a left followed by a tight right and he realized that he wasn't setup properly. The options were to lowside and slide across the road off into the guard rail, or stand it up and go off in a shallow ditch; he chose the latter.

While it's never good to go down, I think he made the better choice. His bike suffered some scratches on the left side and the windscreen broke. But fortunately, he's OK!! His gear did its job! The group got the bike on the road and it started right up. We rode back to the Phillips where the Busa Clinic went to work; replaced his windscreen and verified that there was no other serious damage. Later in the day, Skotty went on a 150 mile ride to Suchea, GA and back!

He's sore, but OK!!!

Skotty - let us know what else you may need for the Bike!
Good to know that things were minor. You definitely have a great group there to take care of you and the toys.

Did Suzuki show?




i don't think that we have to wonder if the back of his head would have still looked like this if he hadn't been wearing his gear

pic of the torn up shoulder on his jacket...glad you came out of this in fairly good shape

i have an extra shield if he needs one if someone wants to meet me in chattanooga toay to pick it up.
Can you give us an idea of how fast he was going?

Well done to all, rider and support.
Glad everybody's ok. Thumbs up to Scotty for getting right back on and riding
Glad your OK Scotty.. Pappy has a Puig st shield he's picking up for me from BusaCruise (Hillard).. If Scotty still needs one consider it donated..
Glad you're ok. Ride safe everyone, if you don't know the roads take it easy, have fun and return the way you left.
damn guy, glad your ok...i see you guys are managing even without the mobile clinic with gettin'em back together.
way to get back on her and finishin out the trip