What would you do?


This is just a question I have had in my mind for some time now. It is just for sh@ts and giggles. Ok here it is, what would you do if ATF knocked on your door with a list and told you to gather up all the weapons you have and put them in a box so they can take them? Oh yeah and there is about 30 of them with tear gas, flash bangs, full auto sub machine guns, snipers and the whole deal. What would you do?
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I don't have to worry about that. I am small potatoes. I could give em a cousin or two that would really be worth their while !!
Better yet, I could give up some board members!!

R8, Sam, 99',

"Yeah officer all they were talking about were fast bikes and guns. Oh yeah, they all have these funky jailhouse tattoos as well"
I was thinking, give them my gun, hide my bow and arrows. Then run down to Oakland or SF and buy a gun off the street. Oh, then I'd move to another state cause CA just ain't worth it anymore.
Nobody's getting my guns and nobody's coming for them either. Hell, the guvment doesn't even know about most of them anyway. Relax, prepare, plan, but most of all, be a better American. Let's play the hand that's been dealt.
Well the the right to have arms is a declared right non the less. Soooo Maybe they will just say you can have firearms dated from that era. Would you be happy then?
Nobody's getting my guns and nobody's coming for them either. Hell, the guvment doesn't even know about most of them anyway. Relax, prepare, plan, but most of all, be a better American. Let's play the hand that's been dealt.
Thank you, give the man a chance, he's your President now get over it. The crap Bush has done that's what you should be talking about. Obama will prove all you nah sayers wrong. Go Obama.:cheerleader::thumbsup::cheerleader:
In that scenario there wouldn't be any option.

It would be a no win scenario. I am not going to lose my life just on principal in that situation. If there was no other way, I would hand over my guns.

But it would be difficult for that scenario to just arise out of the blue.

If laws ever pass saying we cannot have guns, I am guessing since people would be scrambling to get guns, someone would probably break in to my house and steal them.

More than likely within a week of such a law passing I would probably end up having to report all my guns stolen.

Americans not being allowed to carry guns.. that would go against our basic rights. I believe that would be cause for a civil war.

I know a lot of police officers that this would cause a moral dilemma for. they would have to enforce a law and principal they would be totally against.