too many pictures in post?????????????


I was going to start a post about our memorial ride today for Steve Mead, but after linking up 14 pictures TO MY OWN SITE, I get a error saying I posted more pictures them I'm allowed.......Ok...I remove one, then another, same error, remove another and another, same error. I get down to 7 pictures, by now I dont even feel like posting because of such a stupid limit.I try to post again and STILL the same thing...7 pictures are too much for one post? Pffffff What difference does it make if they are linked to my site??

I guess I'll have to try something else.

Sorry Man... Really I understand the frustration, like I said in the PM I dunno Whats up right now...
It's been a rough day for you I know but easy there big fella.... The limit was 10 a few weeks ago and I had complaints that the site was slow.. I lowered it to 5 so that the post would load faster. It just so happens that the uploaded images and linked images use the same code... Now before you say that its unacceptable why didnt you just put the images in the gallery and put one link to them. Then the folks with dial up could see thubmnails before they opened the image... Before you make comments that are "rediculous... " find out what the options are.....


Any Idea why my Sig doesnt load? I have the right format right?

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