swimming Hayabusa story


once upon a time back in 07.
I was at the tail end of a group ride when all of a sudden I found myself coming up on a slower rider in a corner. I could have passed him on the inside but I had never ridden with this group before and didn't know if I would spook him and send i'm off the road. I figured I'd go wide, ( looks like a grass field with lots of run off ) and get back on. I wasn't going very fast, 50 MPH maybe. Well when I get to the shoulder of the road thats when I see that its a steep 10 foot drop to a drainage ditch.
filled 3 cly with water all the way to the throttle plates.I forget how many oil changes it took to get her clean inside again.
finished off the year riding it and with a little over 77000 on the clock and it burning a little oil on cold start ups form valve stem seals. it was time to trade her in on a new one.

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:down: Guess you smiling cause you were going to get a new one I'd been weeping ... glad you ok:thumbsup:
Bet that was a heckuva tug out of the ditch~!~

Congrats on the new purchase~!!~
Hangman, thanks for posting up...see exactly what you mean about the corner and looking like it was an open field if you had to bail wide....must have been thrilling as you went over the edge...nice downslope and grassy with water at the bottom...you were very lucky to come up smiling...I'll take luck any time...:whistle:2hip