st1st time @ dragstrip


i went 2 the Montgomery Motorsports Park last night and run the Busa down the 1/4. i was there 4 2 hours & only got 2 run twice. some cage kept fluckin their sh!t up on the track.
i didnt do as well as i hoped. i was just takin it easy at first, rollin off the line and easin it in 1st. i was real nervous with all those people watchin me...i need a lot more practice...hopefully next friday i'll get 2 run a few more times.

1st run...
r/t .03
60' 2.264
1/8 7.409
mph 108.14
1/4 11.050
mph 134.79
2nd run...
r/t -.191
60' 2.139
1/8 7.315
mph 109.32
1/4 10.902
mph 134.52

hopefully next time i might have the courage 2 launch it alot harder...sumthin bout the bike standing straight up in the air scares the sh!t out of me...practice,practice,practice.
good show, brother....Hey, look at it this way.....You're actually doin' it...more than myself and probably 99 percent of the riders out there can say.....the times will come, now you got the bug, you'll only get faster!!
Take it easy out there, but have fun and be careful. I went my first time last fall, and yes it gets addicting. Just don't get to hype by the crowd or fellow Busa owners, they will want to test you and all those smaller guys too. Truth though, you can't beat the rush, and launching is the key. If you lower it in the rear, and strap it down in the front(just for the night), you will launch much better. Good luck though.
Thats just the way my first trip went. I ran about the same times. I just had no balls off the line. I didnt want to be the one they said did you see that guy as they point and laugh.I need more track time. Hope I can get mine into the mid 9s this summer.
Cool, I have been 2 times and I am going to go again once I get the bus put back together. It is alot of fun.
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