Samsung Galaxy Note 2

My wife has the new galaxy S3, it's really nice, I just wanted to try something different and the huge screen works great for the Internet and playing with apps, it's like a home computer was years ago, it's crazy to me:thumbsup:

Been watching YouTube videos and learning this thing all day, very positive response from forums and videos
I played with one today. I loved the screen and it seemed like the screen was way better than the S3. Anyone else noticed them side by side with the same image. Was the local Best Buy playing tricks or is it just really that much clearer, brighter, vivid, etc on the Note 2 vs S3?

Also something one of my coworkers and I were debating about the Note 2 was that it was wider than you could easily "thumb". What I found today dorking around with the settings is a "one hand use" setup. Looks as if it shrinks the pop out tools (keyboard, number pad, etc) and locks it to one side or the other and is quite easily "thumbed" just as the smaller screen devices are. Also there was some little sticker things that you can program the phone to recognize and put in your office, car, etc that when tapped the phone changes its configuration or whatever to whatever you set it to do. I guess its the same kinda technology as the sharing files or whatever that you see on the commercials .

I think I'm going to pick one up tomorrow, I need an upgrade and the one hand operation seems to have solved my issues with not being able to easily type out something with one hand like I can today on my evo.:thumbsup:

The samsung keyboard it has is awesome too. The note 2 is definitely the best on the market right now. I am starting to search for some apps that I really want tonight.

I am trying to find an app where you draw and it converts it to text? My handwriting is not so pretty... :laugh:
I found an app that easily is the best thing I've ever put on the phone. It takes all SMS and MMS messages and created emails/threads with all attachments in my Gmail account. It also takes the call log and makes entries in my calendar for every call with all the details of the call (number, duration, etc) from the log. Now if I dont have my phone handy I can easily go back and find any old txts, MMS attachments (best part I think) and when I talked to someone from any browser anywhere. I was always worried about restoring my phone back to factory or moving to a new platform, now with this, heck I can free up memory and never lose a thing :thumbsup:
I want to buy it but there is one app that is on the apple market that android does not have. I play Dominos a lot. This is the only thing forcing me to stick with my Iphone. :banghead::banghead:
Russell, have you used the multi-tasking apps thing yet? I've watch videos on it but I cannot get my phone to do it.
Russell, have you used the multi-tasking apps thing yet? I've watch videos on it but I cannot get my phone to do it.

I have not used that yet. I am still playing with the phone and learning all the new stuff. I will start fiddling with that soon.
I compared the S3 and the Note 2 in the store and determined I would only use the Note 2 with a headset for calls and decided the S3 was big enough for my old eyes to see it. I hooked it up using the AllShare app to my TV and can show any pic or video on my TV which is just crazy cool. The other thing is the Keis Air App which lets me access all the phone info on my PC. This thing is fantastic.
