riding schools



Does anyone have any personal information on riding schools.

Kieth Code's. Freddie Spencer, Class, Cornering, ........ There are quite a few out there but which one is better?

What classes have specific focus?

Which class offer's the best class room and which one has the best track facility?

What school lets you ride your own bike and which one gives you one of theres to ride?

What are the prices and locations?

Any personal class evaluations would be greatly apreciated espesially if you have been to more than one. I would like to set up a class date but want to get the most for my money.

I remember reading a evaluation in a riding magazine a few years back but cant remember which one it was. Any email and web addresses you might have would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You all for your help once again.

I took Keith Code's California Superbike School. I had never been on the track before. It scared the hell out of me. Definately worth it
I did my first Class School with Reg Pridmore at Seattle International Raceway last summer. I did that school because it was the only one I knew of that came to the Northwest. I think there are others now but I have signed up with Class again for 2 days in August for $575 total. You run your own bike and have to have new tires. Also have to tape or remove the mirrors and tape or remove the rear brake light. Pridmore was good. He teaches well but also has an authoritative presence that makes everyone listen and follow the rules. He alternates track and lecture time between newbies and more experienced riders. Roughly 20 minutes lecture then 20 minutes track. I was with the newbies and only once did an instructor get in front of me and show me a line all day. So either I was a lost cause or I was doing OK and they were focusing on others. After around the 2nd track session Reg lectured us(without naming names) about excessive speed on the front straight. I was a guilty party since I was hitting around 150-160(not hard on a Busa), so after that I blasted to 120 then cruised. The focus of the school was smoothness, relaxation and control and some body steering. There were a lot of different bikes and riders which made it interesting but made the average pace around the track very slow so I was constantly catching up other riders-and passing by the Class rules(outside only and SAFELY) limited places I could get by. So I often ended up catching up and having to follow at a fairly slow pace for a good portion of a lap. Part of that was me and part of it was that the Busa is a great bike-a much better track bike than most of the bikes that were there. Coming out of turn two right on the best exit line was a bump or hole that people were really complaining about. You hit it still leaned over a lot and under full acceleration and it was scaring a lot of people but the Busa was rock stable so I forgot about that bump and just hit it. Next time I'll do the more experienced group not to BE FASTER but more to have more laps to run at my pace and use more of the track for learning. I am interested to see how I react to the school this time since the new fator is gone. This time I plan to do the ride with Reg to get a firsthand look at how he rides-that might be the most useful thing! I had fun and learned a lot. Sorry for the length but I'm trying to give some details.
Thanks alot guys. Does anyone know anything about spencer's school. I think it is vegas but havent checked yet. That would be the closest ride to me.

918 rider,I havent gone to fast freddies school but I got the info.2 or 3 day classes,start at $2200.you ride there 600 honda f4.school is closed in july,august due to the heat.sounds serious,now if I could just get the time off work...
2200 is a typo right, please tell me its a typo, please please.
