Quick Note


Just dropping in for a quick hi, things are going well as they can. More updates later. Few highlights Sold one of the Honda 750's, Lost my job, starting a motorcycle promotions company, wife has kicked me out, and a few other things. Lots to do see yall later
Ok got a bit of free time so let me expand on the reader digest version I gave a few days ago.

Lets see where do I start. Hey why not with the catalyst that kicked all this off. Some of you know I suffer from anxiety real bad. At one point I was housebound and unable to leave. To put it bluntly it cost me EVERYTHING, g/f, job, car, house, everything. I know many dont understand it, and feel I am weak because of it. All I can say is dont be so quick to judge. Now knowing that, lets get back to our story, or at least start it.

So I get the job at MUSC, I was happy as a clam. I was working at the best hospital in the state, home life was good, even had some "extra" money in my pocket. Well about the time I head into orientation my old buddy anxiety showed up. Seems when life is good, he gets pissed and starts to throw a hissy fit. Anyhow my job offer was taken off the table by my nurse manager. No I did not try to enplane my situation to her as I am sure she did not care. So I go home and i tell Jessica about it, and lets say she was not happy. I cant say I blame her for it. It has been 8 years of broken promises, and not following through on things that had put her at the limit. So after a few days we talked and she told me she is "done". Ok fine what does that mean. Well it means I no longer live in the house I provide for her, my son and my self. Well that dont seem fair ya know, but hey whatever so long as my son has a roof over his head clothes on his back and food in his tummy I will be fine. The first few nights I crashed a few couches as friends houses, and one night in my truck, talk about uncomffy. So i went into I need money mode. I took up as many lawn jobs as I could, sold what ever I had, and made it a point to get my life back. I sold one of the Honda cb750's I had, as well as a lot of other bike related stuff, got my ass a extended stay hotel, a hair cut, and used the computer at the library to find me a job. I am happy to report that I do have a job with Hanahan fire/ems, the town I live in , and I am looking for a house to rent. Jessica and I are on speaking terms, and I am staying in our house for the time being until I can afford to move out. Jake is very upset about all of it but I am sure he will calm down once he knows Daddy is not going to leave him.

So there you have it, ever wanted a first hand story on how a simple yet wildly misunderstood illness can ruin your life twice? Well now ya do. So 2 times i have lost it all, only this time I would rather be dead then to go through it again. I am going to get help from a Dr, a Dr who wants to treat and cure the problem, not just put me on some drugs this time. I am sick of a simple patch job, I want to be cured, and will not stop until I am.
I understand what you are going through, lets just say I've had problems in the past, and I definitely don't think you are weak.

A lot of people judge you when you have a mental illness, I don't know why.
Like anything else you don't know what it's like until you have been through it.

Anyway I hope you sort everything out, and good luck for the future.
Good for you denial is out the way and your taking the steps to a brighter future and life for you and the kid..I will keep you in my prayers..
:please: for ya! Hope this dark cloud has a silver lining.. :please:
Wait.....you walked away from your Son? Or is the son still with you?

I can sympathize with the anxiety/medical issues, but I read that as you walked out of your home and gave the parenting duties of your son to your gf? Maybe i just read that wrong?

Anxiety is a *****! I hope you can find a way to conquer your problems. I'm also confused that you originally noted your sig other as "wife" but then called her a GF? ???
No I did not walk away from my son. I was told to leave. Jessica and I are not legally married so she is my g/f ,but we considered our selves married
He's her Baby Daddy, best of luck in all things sir. Better days ahead my friend.
Sorry about the wifey thing. Congrats on starting a new company. Keep your chin up, it gets better if you make it that way. Thumbs up to you.
Thanks for the kind words folks, I will be fine, I have come back from the bottom before and i will do it again. The way I see it if she dont want to be along for the ride then she can sit on the side lines and wish she had.