Pop up ads on the org?


Motorboatin' Moonpies, Gangnam Style
I can't seem to click on a thread without getting the "why is Obama running false ads" ad popping up. I have popup blocker running, but it is something with the org only. What's the deal with it?

I don't have an issue with the ads on the site, but pop ups are annoying as all get out..

Anyone else seeing it?

Windows 7, Google Chrome.
Has nothing to do with spyware. Its the adchoice software that you are blocking.

Macs suck..

I can't seem to click on a thread without getting the "why is Obama running false ads" ad popping up. I have popup blocker running, but it is something with the org only. What's the deal with it?

I don't have an issue with the ads on the site, but pop ups are annoying as all get out..

Anyone else seeing it?

Windows 7, Google Chrome.

The org has ZERO pop ups on the site..
i was going to say i dont see any ads but thats cause of ad block plus automatically, bots quit looking at so much porn and you wouldnt suffer through this
The org has ZERO pop ups on the site..

We know that and he knows that, Cap. He is trying to save face for his wife so she doesn't know he gets spyware from his porn. :moon:

Fastfrog has rubbed off wayyyy too much...


But for real, check your computer for some sort of spyware or application downloaded beknownst to your knowledge that could be causing it.
i was going to say i dont see any ads but thats cause of ad block plus automatically, bots quit looking at so much porn and you wouldnt suffer through this

Interesting comment... So I was just curious as to how much your monthly payments to the org cost you? The answer I know is already nothing, so you can't stand the ads on the org so much that you are unwilling to even participate in trying to help us recover some of the cost... Seems like some of you guys that are on the site a lot are more than willing to take but have no intentions on returning anything to the site... The only thing that we ask is that members cope with the banners and then click on something if it catches your attention.. I really didn't think that asking you all to do that was too much to ask... It seems I was wrong.

Interesting comment... So I was just curious as to how much your monthly payments to the org cost you? The answer I know is already nothing, so you can't stand the ads on the org so much that you are unwilling to even participate in trying to help us recover some of the cost... Seems like some of you guys that are on the site a lot are more than willing to take but have no intentions on returning anything to the site... The only thing that we ask is that members cope with the banners and then click on something if it catches your attention.. I really didn't think that asking you all to do that was too much to ask... It seems I was wrong.


I personally don't block ads - but of course, I have run my share of expensive to keep running sites myself. Don't take it personal Captain - most folks really have no idea what the sites they visit cost to run.

As to the original issue, it sounds like the OP either has adware, or he's getting a bad ad that got into the adchoices network that's spawning pop-ups.
Interesting comment... So I was just curious as to how much your monthly payments to the org cost you? The answer I know is already nothing, so you can't stand the ads on the org so much that you are unwilling to even participate in trying to help us recover some of the cost... Seems like some of you guys that are on the site a lot are more than willing to take but have no intentions on returning anything to the site... The only thing that we ask is that members cope with the banners and then click on something if it catches your attention.. I really didn't think that asking you all to do that was too much to ask... It seems I was wrong.


I can't believe you just said that Capt... I am less than a week away from feeding several members, planned out a ride, will be putting people up to sleep, etc, etc, etc. And you accuse me of just taking from the org. PLEASE tell me what I've been taking from here and not trying to return. I seriously take offense to this post.. The members here have been saying that we'd all pay dues to have the org run. I'm not complaining about having ads on the site. I'd like you to find somewhere where I EVER complained about ads on the org...

As to the original issue, it sounds like the OP either has adware, or he's getting a bad ad that got into the adchoices network that's spawning pop-ups.

Its not adware or spyware.. Its the google plus ads. Whenever I click on a thread, my mouse must wind up EXACTLY on the part of the ad that makes it play the stupid little movie. UNBELIEVABLY annoying! Its technically not a popup, its the google ad opening.

I'm sorry to have caused such a HUGE PROBLEM here just letting someone know about an annoying issue.

I'll get back to just using you guys for free stuff..
I can't believe you just said that Capt... I am less than a week away from feeding several members, planned out a ride, will be putting people up to sleep, etc, etc, etc. And you accuse me of just taking from the org. PLEASE tell me what I've been taking from here and not trying to return. I seriously take offense to this post.. The members here have been saying that we'd all pay dues to have the org run. I'm not complaining about having ads on the site. I'd like you to find somewhere where I EVER complained about ads on the org...

Its not adware or spyware.. Its the google plus ads. Whenever I click on a thread, my mouse must wind up EXACTLY on the part of the ad that makes it play the stupid little movie. UNBELIEVABLY annoying! Its technically not a popup, its the google ad opening.

I'm sorry to have caused such a HUGE PROBLEM here just letting someone know about an annoying issue.

I'll get back to just using you guys for free stuff..

Did I quote you Bots?
Seriously, how did this thread wind up here????? Cant we all just take a deep breath relax and calm down? This forum was supposed to be a place where people that have a common interest "Hayabusa" can come together to share information and experiences that will HELP one another. Lately all i see is threads where people are combating eachother with ego's and a keyboard. Why does everything have to be taken so personal? :banghead:
We must be becoming a family because we sure seem to fight alot:rofl::rofl:

I think that tomorow at 10:00 PM eastern time we should all get online with our favorite adult beverages and have a toast:

1. Here's t Capt for running the best free sit on the internet!
2. Here's to all the members who host/organize great events!
3. Here's to all the org mmbers who post great busa info!
4. Heres to the best all around sport bikethe Hayabusa!
WTF? How did the thread turn this way?

Personally, I think someone's spying on me. I always get the "Lose that unwanted belly fat" ad on my threads. ???

The bastids...
Interesting comment... So I was just curious as to how much your monthly payments to the org cost you? The answer I know is already nothing, so you can't stand the ads on the org so much that you are unwilling to even participate in trying to help us recover some of the cost... Seems like some of you guys that are on the site a lot are more than willing to take but have no intentions on returning anything to the site... The only thing that we ask is that members cope with the banners and then click on something if it catches your attention.. I really didn't think that asking you all to do that was too much to ask... It seems I was wrong.


no actually ad block plus is on here because i get sick of ads everywhere else that i go and it was already set on the ad list to block them on here ive never went through and blocked them on here, and honestly i dont click on ads i never have and never will. If i need a product i google it and go from there. I got burned years ago by clicking on an ad on a trusted site and crashed a computer so i just dont do ad's.
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