Parts 411 issues.


So, i get home with a present on my doorstep.. A new sportech vflow windscreen from Parts 411. Im all happy to get new parts, im painting the bike tomorrow so im pretty happy.. I open the box and the windscreen edge is cracked clean off.

I pull it the rest of the way out of the box and its on the left wing, about 3 inches in is just cracked off.. So, i empty the box of peanuts and go to put the thing back in teh box.. THe windscreen doesnt fit.. ONLY WAY it f&ckin fits is if the wing IS cracked off.

Well i was a little upset, i figure no biggie i can just send it back. So im out another week or two.. BUT NO, once they send the package its no longer theirs and they wont do poop.. Thats what their policy says.

Im calling Parts 411 tomorrow and i just wanted some opinions on what to expect or what to do.. What should i ask? Anyone else have this happen??

Im just bummed ya know.. Bike will be ready in 2 days and i wont have one little stupid part to finish it.. argggg..

Thanks for listening.
All goods are carefully packed and in good condition when shipped. Title to the merchandise passes to the customer upon delivery to the carrier. Any claims for damaged goods must be made with the carrier by the customer. If your shipment is damaged, indicate it when you sign for the shipment or call 1-800-PICK-UPS IMMEDIATELY the same day if you discovered any content of package damaged.

Damaged or short shipments received through UPS must be reported the SAME DAY or no credit can be given. These are requirements by UPS
Man, that is un friggin beleivable!
THat is nuts! I hope you don't get jacked for the $$
I placed a large order with them a few months ago, they shipped it half way around the world to me and I had not one problem.

I hope you get it worked out. If they jack you around, send them a link to this thread after you have posted that they would not refund you.
i'm watchin'
if they don't reimburse you,
i won't buy from them either

good luck
Ya,i just think its messed up that once they send it out, they dont care. SOrry, not their problem. I could of went with ALOT of other places but i chose them because of past experiences. Im waiting for them to open.

IM going to tell them that i am sending their package back today and will have a TN for them. I want them to send me another one, in a box that fits this time, and also reimburse my shipping cost of the return package back to them. Is that to much to ask??

If they wont do that im cancelling my credit card transaction and returning the part.
..IMO it's completely justifiable what you ask from them..

If they DON'T reimburse you, we'll pass this around other forums as well.. ..see if they like it..
..IMO it's completely justifiable what you ask from them..

If they DON'T reimburse you, we'll pass this around other forums as well..      ..see if they like it..
Great, NOW im pissed. I just got off the phone with parts 411. Do you know what kind of nerve they have? I will tell you.. So i call them up, and im all huffin and puffin and pissed off and am not taking anyones poop. I give her my name, and she doesnt really sound like she wants to here what happened to my part. So, she asks if i filed a claim with ups.. Im like "ya i did, but..." and i go to tell her the story on what happened and again she cuts me off and doesnt want to hear my story.. So, just when im about to get even more pissed she tells me "what address do you want me to ship the new one to sir?"

ahahaha.. Ya, can you believe that?? She has the nerve to TOTALLLY take care of the problem, apologize for the broken part and is sending me out a new one and i didnt have to bitch at all.

PARTS 411 is a thumbs up... They say you have to file the UPS claim so they can get reimbursed for it.. They dont leave the customers out in the dark like it seems in their policy..

Good company.. i am very happy. Now i just feel like an ass for being worried for nothing ya know.
I had a similar problem with my undertail from rumble imports one of the support tabs was snapped off and the small fragments were not even in the box(it was already broken) i called them they said no problem send it back and we'll send you another well i sent it back and waited and waited finally a called again they said oh yeh ive got the broken one right here just send me the shipping charge of $25.00 and i'll send it out.
I said i already paid $25.00 the first time and it only cost me $10.99 to send it back to you now you want me to pay for it again he had nothing more to say and sent the new one in 2 days.
In the end most venders will try to make good by u.
I have been to the Parts 411 store front. It is just a small office in a industral park. They are basicly just a mail order bussiness and do not stock many parts. The people that work in there are very nice and by the looks of the parking lot in front of the store they all ride bikes. I orderd my brake pads and SS lines from them and it only took 2 days to get them and they had the best price.
I always use parts 411 just ordered a new ek zvx 530. new brake shoes all around AND a new rear sprocket. My baby will be just like new!!!