NO! It HAS to be a harley!

ok a "wrench for said Harleys ".. my job is @ ( ) ..I totally Concur to the Weekend Warrior ..train of thought .. or as I say.. * Hey I've took out a second on my home so I can own what everyone else owns.. and I dont know how to fix it or afford it when it does break.. ( and they DO ) .. " vibration" ?? a possibility
H-D has got some genius in the marketing department, thats for sure. They make an inferior product, based on ancient technology, and draw on the "Outlaw" image for sales. Their merchandising is second to none. How many people do you know with H-D gear that don't have a bike, let alone a Harley? Their logo is internationally recognized, prolly as readily as Nike, they have moved the brand upscale and downscale at the same time, not an easy accomplishment. I believe the market is close to saturation, you see how well the new ideas they have are recieved. One day everyone that wants a Harley will have one, and then they'll realize what a P.O.S. they've got, and go buy something that actually runs!
Oh Yeah, I get rude crusty beeyotches at the counter prolly 10 times a week trying to get Hardley parts at a Big 4 Metric dealership....

Dumsh!t I have heard so far. "Well if your not a Harley dealer, why do you have a harley for sale?" ---I laughed..

"What do you mean you don't carry Hardley parts?"
Me: Well, lesse, we don't sell harley, so why would we have harley parts? ----Then See Item one...

I've never met a bigger group of deluded, Icon worshipping, non-rider, label happy shid bricks than the typical "Modern" harley owner. They are seriously damaged. Reality took a left and they took a right a long time ago... Best part is that they get all defensive and excited anytime someone disagrees with Hardley being all powerful, but they have nothing to offer, they know NOTHING about their own motorcycles let alone someone elses... I feel sorry for anyone who actually rides the things and is into them for something OTHER than BS image, it's a hard demographic to get lumped into. What kills me is that Hardley is getting away with it... Telling ya, Most Harley folks nowadays are the same jackasses that are buying H2's for the Image... Just plain wisguided, deluded if you will...


Sportbike guys, taken on the whole? Pack of idiots as well... Don't know the first thing about their bikes, each convinced they are the fastest, bestest rider ever. They color coordinate because they are... I dunno, latent homosexuals?
They buy jackets with the patches already sewn on for stuff they don't use...
Not to mention they got about 12cents to their name and ALLWAYS expect something for nothing. Hard group to get lumped in with too... It's getting harder and harder to out there on a sportbike because the squids are so thick it's allmost embarrassing to be on a similar bike. God forbid your on the Busa, attracting all kinds of attention from the wrong d!psh!7s... Grrrr.... Lots of good folks, and lots of great Busa folks, but damn it's getting kinda dumb out there overall..

Telling ya, Scooters are the only way to go... No one messes with a big guy on a scooter...

totally true

.. you have to admire even on the smallest level how much Harley Davidson SUCKS people in...
Only if it sucked them in and then closed in on them and slowly digested them like a venus flytrap..then I admire Harley.  The problem is, it takes ppl with no knowledge of bikes, imparts even less knowledge and turns them out into the wild where ppl like myself have to be inflicted with their delusional, annoying behavior.  If Harley Davidson Motor company was a profession I think "mosquito breeder" would pretty much describe it, taking benign larve and turning them into buzzing pests.

It's not that thier bikes are that bad for what they are supposed to be.  Overpriced, yes but they arent terrible (anymore). Some of them look cool, they have the retro styling, akin to getting and original 1923 model T.  If they would just appreciate the bike for what it is(nicely styled classic throwback) instead of what it isn't (fast, smooth, capable of stopping or turning, the "Best" of what a modern bike has to offer, reliable, durable, 100% american, original-looking, something to make you tougher than the pu$$y that you are, etc) they wouldn't be so damn annoying. They just dont get it that Harleys aren't "Bad/hardcore/extreme" anymore than a stock 1923 T is "Bad/Hardcore/Extreme". They are more "neat" like a classic car than "Bad" like a hot-rodded car.

Own it for what it is, not what it isnt...

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Yeah..I had some chump tell me his harley would smoke my hayabusa...most of them are dillusional. I owned one for a bit, they are fun to ride in their own right, for cruising around town at only 40mph they are fun, once the road opens up, they start to be a bit lacking.
I've got a guy now wanting to race my 10R with his V-Rod.
.. you have to admire even on the smallest level how much Harley Davidson SUCKS people in...
Only if it sucked them in and then closed in on them and slowly digested them like a venus flytrap..then I admire Harley.  The problem is, it takes ppl with no knowledge of bikes, imparts even less knowledge and turns them out into the wild where ppl like myself have to be inflicted with their delusional, annoying behavior.  If Harley Davidson Motor company was a profession I think "mosquito breeder" would pretty much describe it, taking benign larve and turning them into buzzing pests.
I don't agree with the marketing, but it works for whatever reason...that was my only point...

Kind of like Wal-Mart and Starbucks...they own the world don't they? You could go somewhere else or buy cheaper, but you don't...


I sell Nissan's for a living.  A guy bought a new '05 Maxima from me and saw my '04 LE Busa up front parked.  He asked, who's bike it was.  I said mine.  He seemed shocked.  I guess cause I'm a bigger guy who drives a Navi, so I look like the type to be a poser riding a Harley I guess.

Anyways, he asked what brand of bike it was, not what type which surprised me.  I told him Suzuki.  He asked if they were good bikes, I said the best.  He asked why I didn't get a Harley, and I said not my riding style or look.  He then went on to say, I bet you got that bike cause of the rear tire, that thing is huge, that's sweet looking, bigger than any tire I've seen on a bike.  I said yeah, it's only a 190 but they have 300's out now.  He couldn't believe there were tires that wide out now on bikes.

I was a bit urked that right after I explained why I bought the bike, you know for it's power and looks, he still had to go back to the question of why I didn't buy a Harley.  Man, are people that stupid.  I mean really, I think people forget that there are other brands of bikes out there, some that are actually liquid cooled and have reliability.  

My aunt is a huge, huge Harley fan.  I even showed her the advantages of metric bikes.  She's even thinking of switching over since her '03 Harley has broken down twice on her.  

The other thing that cracks me up is how guys who own choppers actually diss on Harley owners, saying that they are junk or are built like ####, all the while they're riding a V-Twin that is inspired by Harley with a custom built frame.

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He then went on to say, I bet you got that bike cause of the rear tire, that thing is huge, that's sweet looking, bigger than any tire I've seen on a bike.
What a fuggin' idiot...
Yeah, I bought a busa because it came with a bigger rear tire than other sport bikes come with... God, I hate stupid people...
I had a guy at work tell me that he could take me on my 02 Busa with his FatBoy in the quarter and in a roll on.... I had to ask WHY? What did he need to prove? We did the roll on first, I toyed with him to about 110 or so, (pretty much his top speed) then I nailed it. Needless to say he decided the quarter mile wouldnt happen, his bike must be "misfiring" or something. Jeez.

Now since I also own an 01 Yam Roadstar, I can and do appreciate these bikes for What they Are. The Roadie is very much like a Harley, air cooled, pushrod V twin. And I enjoy it immensely, riding it the way it was meant to be ridden. But I do get alot of flack for buying it instead of a Hog. To me it was a simple choice really, bigger engine-1602cc, IMHO better styling, and half the price. I have done two Iron Butt Saddle Sore 1000s on the Roadie and it never missed a beat.

As to the "brotherhood" of harley, I do think that the average new Hog owner looks down on everyone else if they dont ride a hog also. Posers, whatever you call them, to ME a real biker is one who gets out there and rides the piss outta their bike of choice, and if ya see someone stopped one the side of a road stop to help em out. I dont care a bit what they are riding. I had to help out 3 riders one the road over the years, and not one seemed upset that I rode a rice burner. I do kinda wish we (as in the NOT Harley crowd) had a bit more of that "Wow nice Hog" status to come with out bikes, but Harley does have about a 50 yr headstart on the Jap bikes, so I guess I'll just have to be patient. Till then I get just as many if not more smiles from my Busa and Roadie laying the miles on the pavement. If someone else dont like it because its not a harley they can suck it, IMHO...
Yeah, it seems the younger generation have more respect of the 'Busa than the older. I can't count how many times a day I get a young teen saying, "Oh shite, is that a Hayabusa!" I'm like yep. The funny thing is I've also met quite a few guys locally who own 'Busa but also have a Harley at home. They tell me that the 'Busa is the only sport bike that they respect and are proud to own. So at least with the 'Busa we get respect from both sides.
I'm just happy to be out there riding. I love my bike. I could have paid cash for whatever bike I wanted and I love the Busa. I don't give a rat's ass what other people ride if it floats their boat. I do think Harley's are way overpriced for what they are-but some Ducati's are going for 30k. You could get a harley and a Busa for that!
Harley is a business and they are smart for selling the image so hard. They aren't fast bikes, so what? That's not what they want them for. They're cruisers.

Rev, I gotcha.
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