New boss promoted from where?

Mr Bogus

Trouble Makers Inc.
Donating Member
ok so there is an opening at the company that pays pretty decent (CEO)

Out of a list of many existing officers, many are asking for the promotion..

on the other side, there is an applicant that has no experience in the company, and for that matter has not ever been CEO, VP or held any other management position in ANY company...

This person has never been the "HMFIC" at any company or office... so what gives?

sort of like one day, this person walks in off the street and next thing you know, that person is in charge of everything without ever even being employed by the company...

I guess this brings a new meaning to "On the job training" pretty amazing huh?

Add top this a little background check shows a few disturbing issues....

Did I mention that this person is a She?

I sure as hell hope she is not elected president in 08..................(I think I am scared)
in the street like dogs.
Not unusual, I have watched it for years in the company I work for.

I understand that the thinking is that outside blood does not have any affiliations / allegiances with those 'in network', you dont have the recoil from those who were passed over (promotion envy)and, you can sort of shock the culture because everyone is starting from square one and therefore antsy; you get ups and downs with outsiders but on balance, if they are intelligent, savvy and coherent it will work out.

Besides, the CEO is the best place for such a situation. They dont really do anything anyway. Come up with a slogan (make everyone memorize said slogan) and shoot emails to everyone about the slogan and 'the new direction' the slogan has established.

*** All that said......Just in case you were not talking about Hillary***
Hey I found some "prior" experience...

State of Arkansas dept of education head...

Status out of 50 states #1 being best

First year at head: Rank #40
Last year at head : Randy #48

Nice job reference.....

For the record... I was not the one that said the "H" word....
FYI: The most powerful elected position in Texas is the Lt. Governor. The Governor's position is primarily a figure head with relatively few legislative/executive responsibilites.

But for some of these jobs, you only really need to be 35 and a natural born citizen.

More FYI: The highest paid Texas state employee coaches the Longhorns.


For the record, I didnt use the "B" word cuz its a 4 letter word.
FYI: The most powerful elected position in Texas is the Lt. Governor.  The Governor's position is primarily a figure head with relatively few legislative/executive responsibilites.  

But for some of these jobs, you only really need to be 35 and a natural born citizen.  

More FYI:  The highest paid Texas state employee coaches the Longhorns.


For the record, I didnt use the "B" word cuz its a 4 letter word.  
Yeah, well we got you Texans beat  
!!!! The MOST powerful and Highest Paid State Employee in Oklahoma is the same person

The HEAD COACH AT The University of Oklahoma  

A person who's only job is to teach 18 thru 20 year olds to play a game where you play with a leather ball while running down a grass field.

They really add to the advancement of Oklahoma !!!

, really Sad  

That happened here where I work. SHe is clearly in over her head and on top of that wants to micro-manage. Imagine trying to explain to a chick how to run a maintenance operation, let alone one for a light rail system.


Tough spot, Bogie. Sometimes that crap is just impossible to swallow, no matter how much 'sense' it seems to make.

Good luck~
Political thread

if it is, heck, she already HAS experience running the country

if not,
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