Need help people with photo shop skills


Busa Rancher
Donating Member
I need some help since my painter has been a total bobo to me
i'm pulling my bike from him and getting another painter to do it but i plan on doing a diffrent scheme if some guys with photo shop skills could help me out i'm looking at doing the 99 Red and black scheme on my bike with the Red being a candy red here is a pic of my bike

the centers of my wheels are candy red already and so is the HMF on the Pips along with the mids black can someone give me a idea what it would look like i also have a couple other ideas in mind so please email me or pm me or post here
thanks much everyone

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If I had a black bike, I'd be doing some "Black Widow" theme...uses the red, could be sweet...

Sorry about your painter guy...hope you find someone better ASAP...
Thanks VA i like the idea might have to think about it some want something a bit diffrent then that cause i've seen it done before granted i know the Black and red is one of the color schemese of old but ya don't see many of them anymore and i thought i migh incorperate some airbrushing into that somewhere
Also if anyone can help me translate the numbers and leters to japanese that would be great i plan to do that as well

thanks much in advance
I am not sure of the 99 colors but think this paint job will make your bike at least 10 mph faster.

(give a pic of the job you want will do it right.)
Just a bump here and if anyone has some great side photos of this paint scheme it would really help my new painter out thanks much in advance please either post them or email them to me thanks again
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