My trials and tribulations.....


well i decided to use the day to replace my sprockets and chain. i got the fairing and sproket cover removed and put a brace thru the wheel to keep it from moving when i turned on the front sprocket nut. last time i replaced it, i think i put a little too much thread locker on it, so it didnt want to come off. i started out using a torque bar but that wasnt cutting it. i looked around the garage and found the extension to the hydralic jack. after adding that to the torque bar i pulled on it til i thought i was going to end up cracking the wheel or putting a dent in the swing arm with all the pressure. that nut wasnt budging. i sprayed penetrating oil and beat on it and everything else i could think of but to no avail. finally i decided to ask the board what to do about the situation. a couple of members suggested torching it. i decided what the hell, so off to wally world i went. ill describe the rest with the pics.
the enemy...

the replacements......18T front, 38T rear, suzuki4life's sprocet cover after i had it polished....think im gonna try out some top speed runs

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pic of chain and rear sprocket installed...just need to put the master link together...still waiting for my chain guard in the mail

Now make sure you use the Medium Strength Loctite# 242 this time!!
Good job.
for those who dont know, that's Trading Places with eddie murphy and dan akroid or however its spelled.....funny as hell



Good job. Glad you could get it done. Can't wait for information on that combination.
Now, hopefully there are no leaks due to the heat affecting the seal. Unlikely but very possible with that method.
