More NorCal and Beyond


Enjoying 1 road at a time
Donating Member
First, let me say thank you to Kento Moto for organizing and overseeing the whole 3 day extravaganza...and thanks to his lovely wife for leaving town so he could be ours 24/7!
Second, I'm so sorry you crashed coming in Friday Bill (My Master), tell us soon about your wrist (and extent of bike damage).
Third, I've been on alot of group rides in the past....this was one of the best! Perfect weather, perfect twisties, great bike night and especially...what a bunch of nice folks on sport bikes!
Fourth, I've been 120 mph on a country road a gillion times...but never next to a stunter on the back wheel of an R-1 ! Gives a whole new meaning to "pleasant ride in the country".
Fifth, you people that took pics of me crossing the snow are low life scum.

Luv, Doyle

YES! I had a blast and was even kinda bummed when it all ended but its gotta end i guess man what fun though blasting thru those twisties with a another Busa and a R1 man that dude is fast! Just a awesome group of folks to ride with though and am looking forward to another twistie fest