Look who I got to see last night!!


Shes up to 2lbs 14ozs!! She's off the oxygen and doing sooooo well!!!!

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Cool!!! I just love babies!! They are so innocent and sweet. Not a care in the world. All they want is love....and food!!
I love the little hats they put on thier heads! So cute. They look like little gangsta' babies..LOL!
Cool!!! I just love babies!! They are so innocent and sweet. Not a care in the world. All they want is love....and food!!
dont forget clean diapers too!! My daughters hated to have a dirty diaper...my son is now almost 11 months old doesnt seem to care much about having a "big load" in his pants....guess thats just common of us "dirty boys"!! LOL

Cute baby!! Hope she can go home soon!!
Amazing! Glad to hear she is doing well. I can not imagine not knowing you are PG. Did she have other children? I know I could feel my babies moving by 20 weeks.