Is my wife hot or not? She doesn't think so!!


Please help me end this once and for all? you decide

Yes or no and whatever comments, just try not to get offensive.  Shes going to kill me for putting this up.

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Dude................isn't that kind of disrespecting your wife?

No offense............but not sure she deserves that!!!!! Is she a piece of meat hangin' in the butcher shop? There's being proud of your woman,but dayam!!!

Sorry........just MHO!!!!!
Well I had a little avatar of the top pic, then she saw it and got on to me, I said I was sorry and I would take it off. Then at then end of our conversation she told me to put it back on there. sooooo I'm doing this just in case she was worried about what all of you thought. No shes not a piece of meat, I love her more that anything in the world, the avatar was just because I was proud to have a smokin hot women, but apparently she won't take my word for it so I was needing some back up

You must be nuts!!! I can't believe you posted that. Get ready for the onslaught.

Whatever you do, DO NOT post that on labusas.

BTW, she is smoking HOT!
Ok.....bbb.....................................................I guess if she's Ok with!!!!!
HOT! if you (or she) really wants to know.

If she really, really, really want to know.

She could always post her pics


if you really want a greater sampling.

I highly recommend her approval.
I personally dont think she is attractive, but then again I thought this was a "General Bike related topic" page  
NOT ---->
Just going to say that! How is this a general bike related topic?
I personally dont think she is attractive, but then again I thought this was a "General Bike related topic" page  
NOT ---->
Good point. this was posted in the WRONG section. However, I think she is good looking. I am not sure I would have taken this route, but you got my vote.

Next time just post such things in the correct place.
Before we get off track here people, this is a board about motorcycles, mostly Busa's

If someone wants their ego stroked, or their wife's ego stroked or girl friends, there are other web sites out there for this.

I would consider this thread one of the threads mentioned before that sometimes does not sit right with the women of this board.

This board should be gender neutral, color neutral etc.

I know from my perspective, if I kept going to a web site where girls kept posting pictures of guys and posting threads like "is my husband hot" I would stop going to that web site.

My vote is lets keep this board about Busa's.

I am still a newbie myself, but all of a sudden we are seeing people like tbone, RSD, Lo deciding they don’t care much to associate with the board anymore.

And in my short time here, I have noticed in the last couple of months more crap topics, and a majority of them being started by people with under 50 posts to their name.

As far as I am concerned, the modersators can delete any thread that is not about motorcycles, and is not genuine. And if anyone tries to post a series of unrelated bike posts, yank their account.

Just my rant, just my point of view

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