I just died and went to Heaven..

Here's one of the pics..

ah good paint work, very good work indeed but..... give me a stock color any day, any color even.
To busy, way way to busy for me, and I'm not a fan of all sculls and ugly faces lol

Nice paint job, but I tend to like the factory paint jobs myself.
Looks like the tail light needs a little work, wires hanging out. ???
my hubbie would love that bike but with a little longer swingarm on it but did i hear him right i thought he said 20,000 or 26,000 lol wow that a new car lol it real nice but not that nice :cheerleader:
The theme of the graphics should be more like died and gone to hell....just kidding. :laugh: Looks like a lot of work went into it, but a bit busy for my taste. Each to his own. :beerchug:
I just love those kinds of paint schemes because it really makes your bike unique. And if you're a Predator freak like me, you'd have to keep the bike in your living room.

Not to mention it gives bikes that might have damaged fairings/paint a new life.
Looks great, kind of bike you trailer to shows, I guess. Gotta love the custom diversity of this bike!
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