I dont think I have cancer


Least I hope not got cat scanned 3 weeks ago havent heard nothing.
Im 2 scared call them go back doc thursday figure he would have called if I did.I didnt say nothing cause didnt want you guys worrying about me.I had my gallbladder+kidneys scanned cause they picked up on blood traces in my urine.The cat scan didnt involve a real cat it was this freaky tunnel like machine first they ran a needle with tube in my arm and inserted dye.I just got the bill I figured mabe few 100 :sleepy: the tab $3,600 +the blood work $400 insurance paid all but a grand.:mad2:SON OF A BEACH I HAD NO CLUE IT ONLY TOOK 1 HOUR.Wife said just be thankfull 2 god didnt find nothing.Dangit I owe a grand.:banghead::banghead:
Well, I'm going to take this as good news then. A prayer for you & your family regardless.. :beerchug:
Dang Billy I hope it turns out alright. You should call them anyway and get it over with. But no news IS good news with this stuff.
Thanks im proud 2 call you guys friends.

That machine was silly it tells you hold breath on way in.Even has a little face holding breath.then on way out it says breath and face breathing lights up.

After i been holding breath 4 a minute no need tell me 2 breath.:laugh:
I hope everything turns out ok. Had a few cat scans myself due to concussions. Prayers sent to you and your family.
I would definitely follow up on this...not something you want to delay...either way...sounds like you need additional work-up to determine the cause of whatever symptoms you are having....best wishes
I go back doc thursday he wanted me go 2 uroligist but I didnt go.

He did say the blood could be from bouncing around in work truck all day.

He said have check it out+early detection is very important.

I wish this was my docter

You need to go to Urologist to have your prostate checked...sorry bro. Not fun, but necessary. Now, depending on how much blood was found in urine. If only a trace, then likely not that big of a deal. I am in Cardiology and sometimes we never find out why someone has a trace of blood in urine. Better be safe than sorry...my prayers are with you though.

BTW, on the lighter sidae, all of us on this board have cancer...we have a BUSA! Its spreads rapidly through our system and we all want to do mods, etc!
thoughts and prayers are with you my mom died of cancer in 90 and now my step mom was jsut diagnosed with colon and lypmh cancer, she is on chemo and they removed the colon and now just 5 more months of chemo, there bill for one round was 24k bux insurance s only covering 19 knowing is sometimes better than not knowing my prayers willl be with you and your family :please::please::please:
Blood in urine can also be a kidney stone starting to work it's way out of the kidney. If the doc had found anything in the scan they would have called you ASAP. They don't wait for your next appointment to give you the news.

I wouldn't worry about it yet. That won't do anything but stress you out right now.

we was sitting around this weekend watching my friends band play..my 2 guy friends and 2 girl friends, Andy who is also a member on here but not been on in well over a year...says he had a vasectomy, then Craig says he was thinking of getting one...so naturally I said no Craig you should get an addadicktome "add a di_ _ to me" instead so the girls both say whats that do, and Andy says it makes you smarter...

its nice how the busa guys always know how to set each other up for the laughs...
hope that makes you laugh till it hurts, it did me, and the girls didnt even get the joke
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