Hump Mod Complete


Donating Member
Well heres another one in the bag.

Thanks James and as always had fun.

Before and after pics, Sorry no in the process pics, We were in the zone.


grab 004.jpg

grab 002.jpg

grab 006.jpg

grab 007.jpg

grab 009.jpg
been contemplatin doin this for awhile but dunno how i'd like the look in person
Posted via Mobile Device
Heres what you do.

Bet heavy on the Steelers to win the Superbowl.

Take the winnings and Fly or Ride down here and I will show you.

((( Steeler Fan )))
been contemplatin doin this for awhile but dunno how i'd like the look in person
Posted via Mobile Device

i wasn't sure either, but decided to do it to mine and I love it. brought home my pencil grinder and started carving away. about 45 minutes later, all done and looking good.
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