Hayabusa \'00 colours



Can anyone confirm the complete lineup of Hayabusa colours for the '00 that are available ? We know that last year the fastest colours (red and black) were not available in the USA, then I read a posting somewhere that the copper was only to be available in the first year. Well guess what . . . one of my local dealers has a '00 model in copper available in his showroom now...

Anyone else still have copper available in their country ?
Hi Dazee!

Canada: Blue/Silver or Black/Grey

USA: Blue/Silver or Red/Grey

Copper is a collectors items in North America.
In an effort to keep the politicians out of Suzuki's plans the Copper was dropped in the US, this is because "Copper is Faster".

If the ZX12 proves to be made ogf the right stuff Copper may return mid year to repel the Mad Kaw Disease (CDC - Washington DC, Jan 00)
Ah you only think copper is faster 'cause you never had the red/black to compare it against. I think there are a couple of owners in blighty that can back this up too. Imagine how fast Turbo Rick could have gone if he had access to one of these !!

[This message has been edited by dazee (edited 27 January 2000).]
The Red/BLack (that coincidently I have) is much faster than the coper/silver.

Here in the UK the Copper/Silver bikes are mostly just used as agricultural machines. Pulling ploughs, muck spreaders etc.


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