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Get Ya Popcorn Ready Or a Strong Drink !!

Southside Playa

Master Pot-Stirrer
Donating Member
Oct 1, 2004
All Obama Supporters (and you Haters, too) get ready for his history-making speech this evening.

We stand poised to regain some direction in this country. So everyone should open their minds and their hearts for a minute and get off of the Obama Hater Band Wagon, and embrace someone that is breaking away from the tired lame-azz political machine that has run the country into the ground.

Look at the issues folks. Unemployment, Foreclosures, Billions of $$ lost in Iraq, 4,000+ Soldiers (Husbands, Fathers, Brothers, etc) Dead, all for what. I am just as free today as I was on 9/10/01 & 9/12/01.

I have seen fellow board members plagued by layoffs, foreclosures, losing busas (or selling them), etc.

Don't know about you, but I am Middle America. I am Black America. I am College-Educated America. Most of all, I am Tired America, tired of getting pissed on while most of you Republican types are trying say it's rain.

I am from Texas, and I love my guns, and I believe that marriage is Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve.

All that said, stand with me or against me, but whatever you do STAND UP & quit laying down for this BS we been going through for the last 8 years.

Obama 08'
You go ahead and vote for the man the rest of Texas will do the right thing :thumbsup:
and you feel that the Commander in chief has how much power?

I worry all the same about Obamas mentors.... some are on the real bad guys list...

Research the Weather Underground connection... (hint: Ayers and Dohrn)

this alone scares me.. his connection here should be enough to get anyones attention..

I am not a :cheerleader: for his opposition either but at least I do not question his roots or the patriotism of his mentors...

I doubt you are old enough to remember or know if this stuff but there are a lot of us that were coherent during the 60's and 70's
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Come on, EVERYONE has been associated to questionable figures. Obama and McCain equally have flakey pastors within reach. And as far as that Weather Underground mess, Fox has been digging overtime witha long fuggin shovel, looking for some BS.

That is what you do when you are scared of the potential of your opponent, you start reaching for any and everything in an attempt to smear the opponent.

The association of shady figures doesn't mean much especially seeing as how the only thing Di*k Cheney was ever Vice President of was AND STILL IS HALLIBURTON. He is about as shady as they come.

We can agree to disagree.

:thumbsup: Stand by your beliefs. :beerchug:
Posted via Mobile Device

Exactly - do your homework and vote your conscience. And if you aren't a registered voter - I don't want to hear a word from you before, during or after any election.

*I'm voting for rayabusa - he's the only one making any sense these days*
???????????? Lisa, step back from the keyboard and keep your hands where we can see them.... :rofl:

*I'm voting for rayabusa - he's the only one making any sense these days*
If anyone thinks that Obama is the answer, I invite them to come to Illinois, you know the state where he was a state senator and is now a US senator for. If he as one man is so great and has all the answers why is Illinois bankrupt? Why do we have the problems we have? Can't blame it on the Governor, he's a chicago democrat as well. Can't blame it on the state house, they are controlled by chicago democrats, can't blame it on the state senate, they are controlled by chicago democrats. Unemployment, we have it, I live in an area where if you make 30k per year you are doing well for yourself. We are one of the last two states in the whole country that do not have some type of concealed carry law.

I agree, if he is elected he will give the country direction, just keep in mind, downhill and sideways are all directions as well. And don't accuse me of being racist or unwilling to vote for a black man. When Obama ran for US Senator I voted against him, I voted for Alan Keyes. If I remember correctly both of Alan's parents were black. It's about the politics and nothing more....................PERIOD!

Did I not say, that not everyone is hung up on Obama being black, however you know like I know there are some that clearly are.

In the same token, don't get it twisted I am not voting for him just besause he IS black.

The Rev. Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson are both black and I wouldn't elect them on a Student Council Board at a day care center!! But unfortunately, some of my people will vote for Obama for that reason, never really hearing anything he has ever said. The problem is and will continue to be Black & White, to some extent no matter what we do.

Again, we can engage each other in here and debate political issues, but if I really thought you were a racist POS I wouldn't waste my time.
If anyone thinks that Obama is the answer, I invite them to come to Illinois, you know the state where he was a state senator and is now a US senator for. If he as one man is so great and has all the answers why is Illinois bankrupt? Why do we have the problems we have? Can't blame it on the Governor, he's a chicago democrat as well. Can't blame it on the state house, they are controlled by chicago democrats, can't blame it on the state senate, they are controlled by chicago democrats. Unemployment, we have it, I live in an area where if you make 30k per year you are doing well for yourself. We are one of the last two states in the whole country that do not have some type of concealed carry law.

I agree, if he is elected he will give the country direction, just keep in mind, downhill and sideways are all directions as well. And don't accuse me of being racist or unwilling to vote for a black man. When Obama ran for US Senator I voted against him, I voted for Alan Keyes. If I remember correctly both of Alan's parents were black. It's about the politics and nothing more....................PERIOD!

The economic problems in Illinois are not worse than most states, and it has nothing to do with Obama. It's nationwide and deadly serious. All Southside Playa is doing is asking people to listen to him...take a few minutes from your evening...try it...it won't hurt. I've listened to everything McCain has to say, and since he's fairly moderate, as is Obama, nothing is grossly out of line. My bottom line right now is Iraq, and until McCain changes his stance there, there's no chance of him getting my vote.
I do not think anyone has been banging pots and pans for McCain and so if you do so for Obama, you can expect a bit of noise back....

I think CTA_Busa_LE post says a lot myself..
it will be interesting to see who McCain chooses for the VP spot, it might help in deciding.

right now I like Richard Pryors answer---Vote for "None Of The Above"

wish we had that on the ballot, if "None Of The Above" wins go back to the drawing board and find someone better
This is a scary proposition no matter what candidate you choose to vote for. I am still undecided. My only choice will be to determine what is the lesser of the two evils and vote for that. Wheres Ross Peroe?
Exactly - do your homework and vote your conscience. And if you aren't a registered voter - I don't want to hear a word from you before, during or after any election.

*I'm voting for rayabusa - he's the only one making any sense these days*

"I'd love to change the world, but I don't know what to do, so I'll leave it up to you"...Alvin Lee

However, I do appreciate your support :)
IMHO, Obama's views are far too tilted towards a socialist view.. and I couldn't live in a country ran like that. He has a past behind him, with a bunch of "role models" that are either religious fanatics or socialists/communists. If you ever read his book, you will catch a few names that he doesn't give a last name to, look them up and you'll be quite surprised who he was supported by and learned his life lessons from. I'm not saying that McCain is the greatest candidate, I just think at this point that he is the lesser of two evils... and maybe he'll make a good choice with his VP.. we'll find out this Friday I think.
If I were to be associated with any political party which i am not but if so it would be the libertarian party. I believe in giving power back to the states and decreasing the fed govt. I think people do need to think more and be XTRA careful what you read and hear bc alot of it is not accurate. There is no question Obama is a great speaker but that does not mean he will be a great president. One thing I believe about Obama that is not mentioned often is that he is a very brave man. If he does become president I believe someone will try to kill him. It may be a poor attempt but I would bet money there will be at least an attempt. And I also believe he thinks this at least in the back of his mind. He is a husband and a father of 2 and he is still trying 2 become president of the free world. If nothing else u gotta give him credit for that. IDK who i will vote for.
The coolest thing about Obama is you can't even see the puppet strings :rofl:

John McCain can't convince me to vote for John McCain, but Obama convinced me to vote for John McCain.

Bring back Reagan :beerchug:

at this point the govt has been failing us and WE have been failing our govt. Congress is the only branch that reps the people and they need 2 b held accountable.
*I'm voting for rayabusa - he's the only one making any sense these days*
Lisa you got me to thinking (again) and looky what I found..

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