As it stands right now, I won't be attending the 08 Fall Bash or the 09 Spring or Fall Bash if they are held at Deals Gap.
Making these sportbike events public knowledge is the worst thing you could possibly do.
Do you think for a second that maybe 1 or 2 on this board aren't going to "play the hero" and alert local authorities?
My god....not a member. We're all brothers in arms right......?
So, next fall, have the Bash somewhere else.
Write a letter to the Chamber of Commerce, Local authorities AND the local newspaper explaining to them how 1 road draws hundreds and even thousands of people every year to spend money in their town and how the local police are ruining that business. They of coarse will respond with the typical banter of "saving lives and protecting the public", but money is money and money is more valuable than 2 or 3 lives a year, so it may force them to think about the usefullness of
capitalizing on their resource instead of acting like the scarred old lady in the night.
We could spread the word on every sportbike forum online. Boycott on Deals Gap. There's ways of fighting over aggressive law enforcement.
Just remember this very important fact: WE OWN COPS...THEY WORK ON OUR MONEY! So, if our money runs out, they'll listen.
The only way to fight authority is with authority or in this case, money.
I could be wrong though. Maybe people have just lost the will to bond together to fight anything anymore. Maybe we're all
just whipped into obedience. De-masculinated, pussified, soft fruity, bad-ass wannabe's who are going to gladly bend over
and take that ticket up the tailpipe and smile graciously, thanking the officer for his skillful preservation of public safety
and year after year, we'll go to Deals Gap to pay our makers.
"Thankyou sir, may I please have another".