fatal crash in my town

So a couple of days ago we had a fatal crash here in Dayton on Interstate 75. A motorcyclist was traveling south bound and for reasons not yet determined, collided with a large dump truck. The dump truck ran over the rider. The rider was dismembered several times by the time the dump truck got done. Then 2 other cars behind ran over some of the body parts. It was a pretty terrible scene. Showbox jiofi.local.html tplinklogin Still not sure who was at fault in the accident but I guess some people reported that they have seen this guy riding in the morning at this time, headed to work it would seem, and he pretty much rides like a super squid. He was on a yamaha fz8. Prayers go out to the family of course but as horrific as this was, and it was. I was struck by something else that really got to me. There were people driving by that were taking pictures and posting it on Facebook. Is this how far we have fallen as a society? To me thats the worst thing ever. Its bad enough that someone lost their life like this and bad enough that the drivers of the other vehicles that ran him over are going to have a really hard time dealing with this emotionally but for some sugar to take a pic and post it on facebook is just the lowest of the low. What a P.O.S.. In my opinion. Anyway please ride safe everyone. Far too many riders die every year.
The rider almost missed the car. Hit the rear wheel and catapulted over and around.