Fast_Eddie: frame sliders link?


Fast_Eddie. I just bought the Intuitive frame sliders. Should be here soon. I went to the website address you posted earlier but no go, couldn't find the pics of your install. Lots of German writing though. Are you from Germany?

Can you post the link to your install photos/procedure? (I'm not really looking forward to cutting through my fairing....)
I ordered these a couple of days ago, got tired of paying $700.00 per side to replace
Thanks Mambo...

Canuck, nope not from Germany, friend who was lending me webspace is though. I live in Massachusetts.

The pic's and install are at as Mambo stated above.

Don't worry about this install, just take your time and pay attention to detail. Measure twice, cut once.

Adowell, these things saved the left side of my bike 1 week after install!! Bike fell over because I was a dumb arse (not paying attention). Bike fell over in my driveway. :( Just a small scratch on my mirror and a small scuff on the left case cover, no biggie (only I notice it I think) :)

[This message has been edited by Fast_Eddie (edited 09 August 2000).]