Engineers, doctors, lawyers, and politicians.

Technical Support specialist for high-end mainframe/open systems DASD (large storage devices). I work in a department that runs 24/7 by 365. Shifts rotate all over the clock, as the digital world never sleeps, as we all know, hehe :)

Riding the busa is a great stress reliever after a 12-hour shift. Taking my wife for rides is a lot of fun too, though I typically drive conservatively, and she wants me to take off faaast at least a few times!

Another hobby I have is computer gaming . . . yes, I'm an addict that has roots back in the days of Ultima II and Wizardy, but am now an avid player of 3D shooters. LAN parties . . . a great way to blow one's sleep schedule and eat really fattening food.
know hwere i can get a job just riding around with a big sh*t eating grin ?
thats my occupation of choice !

[This message has been edited by crazy bill (edited 25 December 1999).]
i have a pretty useless job. i'm a salesman. services, not product even though i've sold everything from cable t.v. to auto parts. i was at one time a talent scout for models and actors and actresses. not a very popular career but i do make decent money.
later all
Don't cringe, Attorney for the WWF.

You see Vince is my uncle and wanted the best things in life for me, so it is now my job to review contacts and cancel the ones of some of the wrestlers who are all blow and no show.

In my spare time I am a marble and granite fabricator.

I am more than happy to help anyone stuck between a rock and a hard place!

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 19 November 1999).]
Proffessional Bodyguard for 20 years. Travelled the world with clients mainly in the music business, but also the occassional diplomat.
Famous clients include, Madonna, Paul McCartney, and more recently....Spice Girls, Bewitched.
If you want trouble, YOU FOUND IT !

I'm really a nice guy with a wicked sense of humour....and lots of stories to tell.
machinist here too . cnc programmer/setup/operator.
professional outta control speed crazed adrenalin junkie that loves nothing more than riding the thin line between life and whatever...
I am a Sun engineer. I also produce small concerts when I have time. Oh yeah, I'm also a ostrich farmer. Need any meat or leather any one?
I have a Masters degree in mechanical engineering,I specialize in pnuematic hydraulic robotics.I design&build robots for the automotive industry.I have an associates in gemology,Under my incorporated name of KEVTEC KONCEPTS I do custom made billet parts for motorcycles,& hotrods,courior service,wholesale gold & diamond broker.That's for business,for fun I collect motorcycles,& try designing web pages.
I'm an Enterprise Management Specialist / Netowrk Admin occasional known to double as a PC Tech and Network Engineer. Not sure how that can help with Busas but it pays for mine :)
Professional idiot.
To get a better job in Hayabusaland I guess I have to explain a little more what I have been doing in my life.
Right now I am on my last year in studying to be a mechanical Engineer. Other things of interest is that I have worked as a doorman for 10 years and also worked at Fast By Gast a few years back.( thats how I know Paul Gast )
In sport I competed as a powerlifter for several years without setting the world on fire :)
Do I get a better job now DP ?

[This message has been edited by Yngve (edited 29 November 1999).]
It's probably for the best, Falcons tend to eat other birds :)

So many other computer geeks here aswell ! Mainframes and midrange were best, these PC things just seem to involve solving idiot problems. For all of you in the business I recommend coming to Japan, work is easy, jobs are plentiful and well rewarded. I'll retire in couple of years and open a bar. Not that bar work is easy but I'm tired of learning new technology every 6 months to keep my job.
after med school trained at Yale in General
Surgery, then practiced in American Samoa
[my partner and I were responsible for
all surgical,critical,trauma problems for
forty thousand people.
Came back to New England and trainedin Neuro
and Cardiac Anesthesia at Mass.General
Have been in practice for the last 16 years
and am raising five kids.
You are a fine and interesting,if not somewhat different group of folks.
After 22 years in the Airforce as MasterSergent, 100 feet below zero staring at "blips" I'm now into computers as an IT-Manager. Besides my bike I love my Doberman's, when the domestic house-puma.
I'm a professional Computer Geek, in the IBM mainframe world I have done it all, systems design, programming, data base admin, operations, network systems programming, project management, college level instructor, recently doing network/PC support of NT & Novell servers. An advanced degree in computer science ought to be helpful in sorting out fuel maps and FI programming logic. So hopefully when my Busa is delivered the third week of Dec I can be useful. I can't wait to tinker with a PCII, my homebuilt exhaust gas analyzer and a ramair pressure measuring instrument. My wife gets pissed when I experiment with her car. The 2K Busa will be my testbed this winter.

I have also raced SCCA G-stock, rock&ice climbed (in my youth), raced sailboats, currently a part time ski instructor, former US Army medic.

[This message has been edited by Lyle (edited 21 November 1999).]