
Sorry about your mom I hope she gets better soon, she is in my prayers

regarding that chick I just went through the exact same situation last week only after having done this several times before, I decided to say fug her and get 2 more to replace her, now instead of being nice my one and only mission is to get in their pants (thats my cover story)

One of my many theories is that woman go for the bad guys cause they think they're easier to get rid of if they are ugly and mean and everything they don't want in a daddy, all it takes is them getting burned once to never want to get burned again and you know how long woman can hold grudges.

but what happens instead is they see a soft sweet man under the hard rough jerk and their motherly instincts kick in and they try to nurture that soft man out of the rough jerk and end up falling in love with him stubborningly sooo to the point they will keep running back to him time and time again because they feel they are letting him down not to or whatever, so my advice is, go after what you really want anyways, a good lay come accross as an egotistical hard-ass jerk who only cares about his motorcycle and the chicks will flock to you.

My one liner for the day, ride your woman, love your bike. I should start a thread, why my bike is better than a woman LOL
I agree except for the "Go out and fug the next girl" part.

As for my advice, I don't have much I went throught the same situation recently (Relationship with ended 3 days before Christmas... Great gift, huh?) I fell head over heels for her, and I was the happiest I'd ever been. Every once in a while she'd say something about her ex, I thought she was just venting cause she ended it with him a week before we met. Now, I don't have much experience with women, so I didn't see it coming. Well, she broke up with me, I was still in love, I would have done ANYTHING to get her back. The whole time we were dating, I told her I loved her, I held the door for her, basicly, I was as gentlemanly as could be. Her family all liked me. I learned how much of an A$$hole her ex was (Stole money from her for drugs. She was on pain meds for an injury, he stole the ENTIRE bottle and sold it to pay off his dealer. Etc...) Well, long story short, she's back with him, and it breaks my heart to see it, not because I can't be with her, although that does hurt, but because I know he's going to do the same shid to her again, and she's gonna get hurt.

Now, onto my advice. The best thing I did was forget her. I stopped calling her, texting her, whatever. Even when she called or texted first. The reason? Because I know I'm just going to be the guy on the side that see's her get hurt again, and at best she'd run to me for comfort, then go RIGHT back to the ex. Too much drama anymore. It's kinda wierd, cause I hadn't heard from her in a LONG time (3-4 months) then, when i finally think I'm over her, she calls me just to say hi, and let me know she decided to get back together with said A$$hole. That hurt. BUT, back on to topic.... CUT HER LOOSE. All you will get out of her is pain. If she really did like you, she'll come back. If not, it wasn't meant to be.

Now I'm depressed, I need to go for a ride.

P.S. I'll pray for your mom.
I hope she gets better soon.
My wife and I divorced a couple of months ago, and I am having some trouble dealing with it. Cutting her loose is the way to go, but it is easier said than done.
So, my advice is, go out, have fun, do things you like... Maybe she'll return, maybe she won't... meanwhile, go on with your life...

May your mother get well soon...

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Focus on your mother's health and recuperation. You are obviously a kind person who shows respect to those you care about. But if this girl rejects you because you were too nice, that is her choice and her life.

My Point: Don't change in order to win a girl, especially if it means becoming a "jerk" and worsening yourself. It's a waste of time to be something that you are not: because in the end, you will still be sincere at heart. So, I feel for you, brother...but remember your mother is ill - so you have a blessing in disguise (because your real attention will not be wasted in vain). Focus on those who need you now.

Girls come and go, but those that see the good in you and love you for what you are: those are the keepers.

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Focus on your mother's health and recuperation. You are obviously a kind person who shows respect to those you care about. But if this girl rejects you because you were too nice, that is her choice and her life.

My Point: Don't change in order to win a girl, especially if it means becoming a "jerk" and worsening yourself. It's a waste of time to be something that you are not: because in the end, you will still be sincere at heart. So, I feel for you, brother...but remember your mother is ill - so you have a blessing in disguise (because your real attention will not be wasted in vain). Focus on those who need you now.

Girls come and go, but those that see the good in you and love you for what you are: those are the keepers.
this man speaks truth....
Chin up...god never gives ya more than you can handle...and if ya really like this gal?...before this sweety throws in the towel on ya and gets back with her ex?..drop the hallmark brotherly love act and get'er done...cause it sounds like you were possibly...."too nice"...for her.

btw...prayers sent for yer moms there bud.
+1 on this...not the overly religious one here...but a good quote I heard once.

"If he brings you to it he will see you through it"

Seems to work well for some. Hope your mom gets better man. She is about the only woman in your life you can truely trust for the most part.
My wife and I divorced a couple of months ago, and I am having some trouble dealing with it. Cutting her loose is the way to go, but it is easier said than done.
So, my advice is, go out, have fun, do things you like... Maybe she'll return, maybe she won't... meanwhile, go on with your life...

May your mother get well soon...
Damn Miguel
I had no idea...I'm so sorry, but I do hope you're doing well and moving on...seems divorce on here is on an upswing lately; tons of guys posting about it in recent months.

You're in my thoughts Miguel...glad to see you posting again though, and I'm sorry I didn't notice this sooner

Take this with a grain of salt.

Ride your bike, go to the gym, do what you want, when you want. Relax and don't look so hard. Don't treat any of them as more than friends, untill they treat you as more than a friend.

On a side note.
During and after my sentance in the Army, I treated women like crap. Worked like a charm. Untill I met the perfect woman. When I say perfect, I mean perfect. Looks - in Aeon Flux the photo of Kathern that was her in the face, long wavy dark brown/black hair. And she could put Charlise's body to shame. Bigger up top and smaller in the rear on a 5'-8" frame. She was everything I, or any one could ever ask for. She actualy liked sex. We never argued in a span of over year. Perfect in every way for me. I broke it off with her because, I thought I found a nasty wench that I wanted to get naked (which never happened). Even after that, she took me back and it was back to normal. She treated me as I was gold. Way better than I deserved. I had no idea how in love with this girl I was. She left for the military, joining the reserves. All she could speak of, after she returned home, was wanting to go back to the military full time. I could not return to that life at that time. So it took me 2 years and several girl friends later to realize how much I was in love with this girl. By that time it was too late, she was engaged and in a different state, etc. She is now happily married with a couple of kids. I want nothing more than for her to be as happy as she deserves to be. I still think about her. If I see any of her friends that keep in touch with her, I tell them to give her my best and let her know I hope she is doing great.

I guess there is a point in here somewhere. Just make sure when the right girl comes along, you don't let your stupidity get in the way. (Note that about 4 months after she came home, I got laid off and could have, and would have, gone any where.) Don't let yourself be used either. I won't get into who (or what) I married. Not that I am being used, but I'm not appreciated.
Sorry to hear about your mom and your woman problems. I divorced my wife of 23 years, and I know how much those things can mess with your mind. From my experience, you will find the right person for you when your not looking for her. Hang in there and turn your attention to your mother, she needs you now.
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