

I am thinkin about gettin one but i am not sure. I have been advised against it.

Intended purpose.

House dog, some huntin, buddy. If any body knows about em give me a shout out. Lookin at a Black and Tan.
Why did someone advise you against it? What did they say?

Man I used to hunt with em when I was younger. Some of the best memories of my life. Nothin better than walking threw the woods in the middle of the night. I never had a black&tan. Only hunted with Walker hounds. I have seen some good black & tans that could hunt though.

I would definately make the person you are buying from take you on a hunt with the dog before you buy it. It is the only way to find out if the dog has any problems or is trained properly. My dog had different barks to let you know what she was doing. A lot of coondogs that aren't trained properly will start tracking deer, armadillo, possum, etc. It sucks BAD when they start in after a deer, cuz they dont climb trees and are FAST. The dam dog will chase it for miles and miles and miles...

Shout back at me if you got any more questions. I could go on for days. I plan on buying one when my son gets older.
Thanks man. I am still not sure what to do. My big worries are, will I be able to sleep? How bad will it destroy my house? Or not? How hard are they to house train. Probably gonna adopt. I cant really afford a breeder deluxe model, especially since I am worried wether or not it will work out. Most of the people on the internet say they are cool, most of the people who have dogs but not nessecarily coonhounds are like WTF it's gonna ruin everything. I am going to send you a PM also.
Mine never was a house dog. They are not huge dogs, but pretty big to be in the house a lot. We brought ours in when it was too cold. If it is not trained already, you could always adopt the hound and have it trained later if you wanted to hunt.
It is not going to destroy your house any more than another bigger dog will. I wouldn't recommend keepiing it inside all of the time. They shed pretty bad in the spring getting rid of their winter coat. Most larger dogs drool also, mine not the best thing on the sofa ya know?
When I lived in town, we kept them in large dog pens. They were really rambunxious?sp? when they were kept penned up all the time. When we moved out in the country, they could roam as they pleased and were much happier. They need to stretch their legs and run just like any larger dog.
thanks again. I will let you know if a make the leap!!
Here she is. A 11 month old black and tan coonhound mix. Picked her up at Masfield Ohio Correctional Facilty. Guess they have an obedience school there. She is a sweethart, and hates when we leave.

Here is a couple pics.
