Charity Bike show - the busa gets some respect

yeah there were a few other sport bikes there, it was however mostly a cruiser/HD/custom event.

Didnt know that girl really but the look on her face is kinda cute
the other pics I'm waiting on are friends of mine and I think they are much hotter that this chick ....

Note to self, take *extra* batteries next time

btw, the green thing on the headlight is the entry tag with the entry #.

The funniest thing of it all, the other sport bikes didnt get any real lookers, more like they were just angling for a trophy and fun. My bike got all kinds of looks and folks sayin the typical "is it as fast as they say" and of course I had to respond with "faster" But as soon as one of the girls got on there and started takin pics, folks came out of the damn woodwork with all kinds of cameras! And sorry guys, since we are keeping this board PG13, I cant post the *other* pics of this girl

ok, finally got a few more and a link for you picture ho's

Here's Madison, she's a friend and was nice enough to pose on the bike for a few shots. The club photographer was really taking most of the ones of her on there, so still waiting on those pics.

you can tell she was happy can't ya

It was a crazy day for sure ... here's the link to my buddy's site. Neal's pics

Here's one more of Madison trying to look at least interested

and one more (she's looking at Steve the club photographer )

Reason for Edit: "added the pic"|1127755265 -->

who wanted the gold wing pictures

Here it is.... and yes it is a gold wing, but like I said, its more like something out of biker build off!

chuckle head was doing burnouts right by my bike and I *almost* had to go over and smack him in the head with my helmet....btw, it was fuggin the loudest thing there by far

here's another gold wing shot ... seriously tricked out

Here she is with her friend.... and dont quote me on this but I think its good that she's seated....cuz that t-bar isnt where its supposed to be :o

once I get them, I'll get them posted and give you all a link
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