Can I borrow a clutch lever?


Donating Member
So my bike decided to tip over slightly last weekend while a friend and I were working on it. We were tryin to take the nut off the swingarm bolt so the rear was hanging. We must have shifted the bikes weight, it tipped. The only damage was the clutch lever, the green foam I lay on saved the fairing, not a mark on it!
So, anyone have a black clutch lever laying around I can borrow for a month? Ive got some Chazzo's on on the way, but with Chinese shipping, they may not make it before the Bash.
I'll send it back with a few bucks to cover your shipping when I get the other levers in.
Thanks Org-ers

Pics or it didn't happen so....

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Take it off and tap it back straight with a hammer.
Slowly and lightly and you should be able to get it back in shape.

I would have sent you mine but GoatKart just chopped it up :laugh:
Frog let me know, you can use my stock ones if they'll fit. They aren't black though...

Please forgive me if this makes no sense, I'm posting from my phone :D
Thanks for the offers guys :thumbsup:
Rockethead said he had one I could barrow, gotta love Org
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Got the Lever from Rockethead today, also got my Chazzo's :whistle:

So, Shes gonna be on her way back to Rockethead, thanks for sending it, Im VERY surprised the Chazzo'z arrived so soon.