Ive been busy. Last sunday i ordered a powerbronse undertail kit, high/low beam hid kit, bruce fabrication slipons, got a power comander from adam, clear rear light, hightechspeed.com ufo lights, and a alarm system with remote start.
I got the hid kit in yesterday. Got the clear tail light (not just the lens) and the bruce fab on today. Waiting for the ufo lights to come tomorrow so i can do that and the undertail. I also did the grab bar mod and put the pcIII on last week. That pcIII and those pipes really woke that bike up. Before, it would fall off in a 2nd gear roll on but not it goes upwards to the sky.
Link to pics.
I got the hid kit in yesterday. Got the clear tail light (not just the lens) and the bruce fab on today. Waiting for the ufo lights to come tomorrow so i can do that and the undertail. I also did the grab bar mod and put the pcIII on last week. That pcIII and those pipes really woke that bike up. Before, it would fall off in a 2nd gear roll on but not it goes upwards to the sky.
Link to pics.