Billet Grips

Rocky Mtn. Busa

I've decided to order my Tobin Seat so the next mod will be grips. I really like the looks of some of the Billet Grips on the market but am wondering if the lack of rubber or padding increases hand vibrations? Obviously, I like the bling but not if there's a big difference in vibes.

Would greatly appreciate any feedback to help with my decision.
Absolutely! You'll see a difference. I had the Apache Billet set and have since switched. They looked beautiful though.
There is definetly more vibration.

I think we had a thread about this not to long ago.
I've got the Rizzoma grips some have said you feel more vibe, but I have these gel padded gloves and dont really notice a difference over stock!

If you plan on staying with your stock tree,GPW has a neat little rubber bushing kit that will prolly help you out if you do decide to go with the billet ones..