Are Some People for Real ?

2 squids that ride with me sometimes ask all the time when you judt start laughing the get the point.Nobody rides my girl!!!!
(Rayabusa0818 @ Aug. 02 2007,08:08) This is interesting indeed...most people I encounter seem to be afraid to try to ride a Busa.

I have offered to let a couple of friends take mine for a spin and they have declined. These are expreienced riders.
No, they're just afraid that they will like it so much, that they would have to buy one of their own

My wife has ridden mine, that's it.
I've offered to let 2 or 3 of my close experienced friends take it for spin and they all refuse to do it too.They are all scared to death to ride this bike....I just laugh and say "whatever"..

But other fools have asked to take it for a spin, and I just laugh and say HELL NO FOOL!
(dmrowe @ Aug. 02 2007,15:35) I have to tell you that no one has ever asked if they could ride any of my bikes...ever in over 40 yrs of riding.  Maybe they just knew better.

2 1/2 Persons have rode my bike with express knowledge that
upon damaging it it is yours and you will give me something of
equal or more value. The half came when my friend rolled about
5 feet and I told him to cut the engine and get off cuz he didn't
pull off right.
MrGxr has ridden mine. My brothers have asked many times and been told NO just as many times!

Actually, I do have one brother I'd let ride it but he's the only one who's never asked.

Only my Brother as riden the Busa and I have only offered it to WAG... his bike was down and I needed to ride... he didn't take me up on it though. I did however let him know how good the ride was.. LMAO.

edit: should clarify that I have a second bike... LOL