another Crash Video ...

any else notice the truck caused the accident! truck did an illegal lane change no signals and cut the bikers off. granted the guys were speeding and the idiot was fallowing to close.
any else notice the truck caused the accident! truck did an illegal lane change no signals and cut the bikers off. granted the guys were speeding and the idiot was fallowing to close.

yeah... speed and following close might have been a slight contributing factor. anyhow, nice video of how not to ride in traffic.
any else notice the truck caused the accident! truck did an illegal lane change no signals and cut the bikers off. granted the guys were speeding and the idiot was fallowing to close.

Are you sure...? Looks to me like it went from two lanes to one and the bikes didn't have room to pinch through...
First off the guys were driving like idiots, so they paid the price. Speeding and acting like they are real racers on the street, caught up with them. Total morons....
Dude in the front just didn't want to give it up, he was in the zone. Paid for it. Oh, and that second bit... I've just gotta try that :whistle:
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