Bears and Bikes


Abiit, excessit, evasit
Donating Member
At my folks house in Colorado and guess who decides to raid the trash, eat the bird food, and drink the sweet water from the hummingbird feeders.....


That is one impressive zoom or you're way closer to a bear than I ever hope to be!

Nice shots though :thumbsup:
It's my cellphone so I had to get a little close. Good thing the left over spaghetti was more appetizing than me.
That's cool... what part of CO is that. I'm in CO too, but the bears don't come into Highlands Ranch often..
Good thing it wasnt elk, they seem to be going crazy with mating season on now. Would have attacked your bike!
I've always had a soft spot for bears. Great Photos. Looks like mama is ready for hibernation!
Photos were taken in Colorado Springs. Bears are out 20hrs a day pounding food to prepare for their long sleep this winter.
Like deer in the Midwest?? ???

All my years of riding around the mountains, only seen a bear twice.


And this little furry fella in Yosemite. About as close as I cared to get. :laugh:



Great pictures. Very cute creatures but don't want to tangle with them.
Haha..alright, so I suck with the quotes apparently lol...sorry about that? Haha it'll help the post count I suppose lmao
That's a pretty good ride for ya brother. You can find those black bears in the mountains of NC and TN too. Good pix :thumbsup: