Cancel culture

Probably. When will blacks here seek reparations from Africa?
Why not ask for them from African leaders? Their own ancestors rounded them up and sold them yet somehow it’s your fault and you should pay.
Or how about seeking Reparations from the black slave owners in the U.S.

In 1830, there were 3,775 black slaveholders in the South who owned a total of 12,760 slaves.

Those racist bastards families need to pay up.
One of our team members was black and we deployed to an African nation one time to work with their spec ops teams...I found it kind of strange how they interacted with our guy...they considered him a westerner and had no interest in him as a "brother" kind of like he half expected them to....he definitely wasn't invited into their inner circle.

When we deployed to the US to work with one of the spec ops teams there, he said he was kind of lured away by other persons of color within the teams and told it's better to distance himself from the "white boys" as much as he could....just by knowing this, he was uncomfortable and chose to hang around with us....after a while other US team members hung around with us and some of their persons of color commented that we were very welcoming compared to some of their own team members...

I told them that if I expect to live and die for someone, I don't care about his color, religion or ethnic background as they are willing to do the same for me. More than a couple wanted to join our unit...

I just found it strange of the differences in these interactions....
Yes I believe our board member here calls them Uncle Toms.
Exactly my point, statues of individuals make little sense as their could be anything in their past which would cancel them out in the future..

In the future of today it could be someone like Col Sanders when animal activists deem the consumption of animals to be inhumane, criminal and get into a position of power to enact a law against it.......any statues made of these past people need to be placed in a museum and off public display and no future statues erected.

For peace activists, war memorials are a sore spot as they believe they sensationalize war...those could be next if these people gather in enough power and support. We who served and lost people know what they stand for and I suppose as long as we stay strong, they will be safe.

In the case of the person they are cancelling in Toronto (Dundas) he was for the abolishment of slavery but wanted it done gradually and from what I've read is because he worried about unleashing 4000 people who were unable to support themselves and what impact it would have on them...we had no social support in those days so these people would have been in dire circumstances...was he right? Not to the standards of today but in his time and place it probably made sense to him.

For this he was cancelled, even his surviving family came forward with his memoirs to substantiate his position but were dismissed.
There is something Freudian about making a moral equivalence argument between chickens and humans. Haha
Or how about seeking Reparations from the black slave owners in the U.S.

In 1830, there were 3,775 black slaveholders in the South who owned a total of 12,760 slaves.

Those racist bastards families need to pay up.
The reparations are for the slaves who remained in slavery for as long as three years after emancipation (estimated at 3 trillion in today's money). Before emancipation, Slavery was legally acceptable if not morally. Those owners were not violating the law. The legal precedent is to pay damages to the family; why not in this very clear case?
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I recall reading about how poorly Irish immigrants were treated, in many cases they were treated lower the the low...even so bad that Irish regiments fighting in the war between the states had officers leading them who were specifically not Irish because at the time it was believed the Irish weren't intelligent enough to have their own officers lead them.

Kind of like what the British did to the Gurkha wasn't only until a few years ago that a Gurkha officer was able to command Gurkha troops.

The interaction of human beings is a real complicated thing...
There has long been tension between African Americans and Africans. I recall in school there were Africans who didn't like me (I assumed it was race, and had nothing to do with my radiant personality). Africans think we are weak and Americanized. Even mixed with white blood in our veins. It's better now but when people ask me if I want to visit Africa, my answer is here is a donation I'll pick you up from the airport when you get back!
There has long been tension between African Americans and Africans. I recall in school there were Africans who didn't like me (I assumed it was race, and had nothing to do with my radiant personality). Africans think we are weak and Americanized. Even mixed with white blood in our veins. It's better now but when people ask me if I want to visit Africa, my answer is here is a donation I'll pick you up from the airport when you get back!
We noticed this as well when we were there....the Congolese troops were especially apprehensive of our guy for some reason....

One thing that gets my former colleague riled up is when someone calls him an African-Canadian....he informs them he is a Canadian...period....

I've heard him say this many, many times and sometimes people give him the "big eyes." I laugh because he's more of a redneck than most rednecks...drives a great big lifted black F-150, wears a plaid lumberjacket coat and ball cap almost everywhere he goes.......but he was a deadly soldier who was someone you didn't want to encounter if he was after of his hobbies was studying different martial arts....and he's good at them...
Not going to happen but you can hypothesize all you want. Just because people don’t want to celebrate racists in our history doesn’t mean those same people want to erase those memories or events that hopefully we can and have learned from.

Paranoia runs deep with some here.
Y’all are naive. You don’t think big brother will control and or delete info contrary to the narrative? Must have slept thru the entire plandemic. They didn’t censor, cancel or delete anything did they? How hard was it to find open info regarding things ulterior to the directive? Mask up and shut up. Get the shot and shut up. Were you able to find anything that said masks didn’t work, the shot didn’t work, you could still catch, carry and transmit it after the shot on cnn, msnbc, google, Twitter, Facebook or anywhere else? NOPE! They controlled the narrative and prevented you from seeing anything else they thought contrary. But nah, they’d never remove people from the digital history books would they? Lmao…

The reparations are for the slaves who remained in slavery for as long as three years after emancipation (estimated at 3 trillion in today's money). Before emancipation, Slavery was legally acceptable if not morally. Those owners were not violating the law. The legal precedent is to pay damages to the family; why not in this very clear case?
There is not a single person in San Fran related or descended from slaves and yet every one of them were there screaming for the $5 million they thought they were gonna get.
The whole reparations thing is a nightmare box we shouldn’t open.
First, ok fine. Let’s say I’ll agree they should get something. Let’s do dna tests on them and once prove they are related to slaves than they qualify. How much we can discuss later. You have any idea the kind of bickering and fighting that would occur between ones who were in and those who were not? Then we’d have those who feel the ones out should get something. You know like a participation trophy just for being black. That would lead to more arguments. The whole thing is just another fantasy being sold to black people by guess who? Democrats. Another sad way to try to buy votes. Their intent is not genuine.
Were you able to find anything that said masks didn’t work, the shot didn’t work, you could still catch, carry and transmit it after the shot
3 people at my work got sick before the vaccines, two missed 3 weeks and 1 a month of work. One of them was in the hospital for a week. I did catch it after I was vaccinated and for me it was like a bad cold. I was ready ro go back to work after 2 days but had to stay out a week due to protocal. This alone doesn't mean the shot worked, but it sure as heck doesn't mean it didn't work either. That's my personal experience. Yes a person could still catch it and transmit it, but the symptoms were extremely reduced. Does that not count as working? Not to you because it doesn't support your opinion. As far as masks, common sense tells us that even used properly, they are not going to be 100% effective, maybe not 80%, but they help. Doctors have worn them for a long time.
You have any idea the kind of bickering and fighting that would occur between ones who were in and those who were not? Then we’d have those who feel the ones out should get something. You know like a participation trophy just for being black. .
The stipulations are clear. A person is in or out, kind of like Publishers Clearinghouse or the Lotto. You don't see much bickering about that.
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3 people at my work got sick before the vaccines, two missed 3 weeks and 1 a month of work. One of them was in the hospital for a week. I did catch it after I was vaccinated and for me it was like a bad cold. I was ready ro go back to work after 2 days but had to stay out a week due to protocal. This alone doesn't mean the shot worked, but it sure as heck doesn't mean it didn't work either. That's my personal experience. Yes a person could still catch it and transmit it, but the symptoms were extremely reduced. Does that not count as working? Not to you because it doesn't support your opinion. As far as masks, common sense tells us that even used properly, they are not going to be 100% effective, maybe not 80%, but they help. Doctors have worn them for a long time.

The stipulations are clear. A person is in or out, kind of like Publishers Clearinghouse or the Lotto. You don't see much bickering about that.
I didn’t mention or wish to rehash the efficacy. What I said and was true is everything and anything contrary to their narrative was stricken, canceled, deleted and eliminated. Doctors, alternative treatments and any study that showed another path were eliminated.
They can and will do the same to people they deem racist, seditionist or anyone they do not like. It’s coming. Rest assured. The less books we have, the more digital things become, the more time that passes it’ll be all but imposible to remember anyone not found on google.
Y’all are naive. You don’t think big brother will control and or delete info contrary to the narrative? Must have slept thru the entire plandemic. They didn’t censor, cancel or delete anything did they? How hard was it to find open info regarding things ulterior to the directive? Mask up and shut up. Get the shot and shut up. Were you able to find anything that said masks didn’t work, the shot didn’t work, you could still catch, carry and transmit it after the shot on cnn, msnbc, google, Twitter, Facebook or anywhere else? NOPE! They controlled the narrative and prevented you from seeing anything else they thought contrary. But nah, they’d never remove people from the digital history books would they? Lmao…

There is not a single person in San Fran related or descended from slaves and yet every one of them were there screaming for the $5 million they thought they were gonna get.
The whole reparations thing is a nightmare box we shouldn’t open.
First, ok fine. Let’s say I’ll agree they should get something. Let’s do dna tests on them and once prove they are related to slaves than they qualify. How much we can discuss later. You have any idea the kind of bickering and fighting that would occur between ones who were in and those who were not? Then we’d have those who feel the ones out should get something. You know like a participation trophy just for being black. That would lead to more arguments. The whole thing is just another fantasy being sold to black people by guess who? Democrats. Another sad way to try to buy votes. Their intent is not genuine.
You are wrong. Look at the percentage of European DNA in people's DNA, and you can basically trace their line back to slavery or other methods of immigration. Basically, you can tell people who got here as slaves by the location in Africa they came from.

I am not for writing a check for every black citizen. As you point out, it would disrupt the economy and unbalance the system for everything from housing to cars, boats, etc. A bigger problem is that check would be in the hands of Walmart, Caddalac, etc., in a year - and Blacks would not be any better off, and rich whites would have exploited them again.

I think reparations should be in the form of targeted set aside for education, schools, and business opportunities. I also think we should not make this race thing. Poor whites are some of the most economically helpless people in the country.

I could go on, but why? Haha
You are wrong. Look at the percentage of European DNA in people's DNA, and you can basically trace their line back to slavery or other methods of immigration. Basically, you can tell people who got here as slaves by the location in Africa they came from.

I am not for writing a check for every black citizen. As you point out, it would disrupt the economy and unbalance the system for everything from housing to cars, boats, etc. A bigger problem is that check would be in the hands of Walmart, Caddalac, etc., in a year - and Blacks would not be any better off, and rich whites would have exploited them again.

I think reparations should be in the form of targeted set aside for education, schools, and business opportunities. I also think we should not make this race thing. Poor whites are some of the most economically helpless people in the country.

I could go on, but why? Haha
Set aside for education? Rofl. They just want the MONEEEEE so like you said they can go spend it. Every one would be broke in a month. And you know what I was talking about. The San Fran city council meetings were chock full of people who have no relation to anyone that was a slave. Yes there are many but by now there are probably even more who aren’t that still feel entitled and deserving. FREE is how they want it. All of it.
I didn’t mention or wish to rehash the efficacy. What I said and was true is everything and anything contrary to their narrative was stricken, canceled, deleted and eliminated. Doctors, alternative treatments and any study that showed another path were eliminated.
They can and will do the same to people they deem racist, seditionist or anyone they do not like. It’s coming. Rest assured. The less books we have, the more digital things become, the more time that passes it’ll be all but imposible to remember anyone not found on google.
I know probably 3 dozen healthcare providers that refused to introduce the vaccine into any of their patients. Because they weren't comfortable with it. The oath they took "To do no harm" cost them a job. None of them are any longer in healthcare. They just said eff this, I'll retire.

Further there were plenty of frontline workers, nurses etc that refused to get it. They are now no longer part of the healthcare system. And we face a huge shortage now.

Hospitals and healthcare systems were forced by the govt to comply. If they wanted federal funds to pay for the care they were forced to provide.

It's easy to get the narrative you want, when anything to the contrary is cancelled out.

I happen to support the vaccine. But I totally support those that chose not to.

Our economy here boomed from COVID. We didn't have mask or vaccine mandates. People flocked here. And have never left. We had Covid here, but nothing like the world said we were going to get. Very low rate overall.
Set aside for education? Rofl. They just want the MONEEEEE so like you said they can go spend it. Every one would be broke in a month. And you know what I was talking about. The San Fran city council meetings were chock full of people who have no relation to anyone that was a slave. Yes there are many but by now there are probably even more who aren’t that still feel entitled and deserving. FREE is how they want it. All of it.
A few years ago our government paid reparations to indigenous folk who were in residential schools....a few people I know were up in arms over this...I merely told them that the people they give this to won't be investing it in off-shore accounts but would be spending it at the local power sports shops and all of the money would be back in the hands of the government in short order...

Oddly enough my mother refused to accept a cent of this reparation money for her time spent in a residential school.....she said she has her pride and won't let them buy it from her....I told her to take every cent they offer and put it in the bank for her retirement...
I know probably 3 dozen healthcare providers that refused to introduce the vaccine into any of their patients. Because they weren't comfortable with it. The oath they took "To do no harm" cost them a job. None of them are any longer in healthcare. They just said eff this, I'll retire.

Further there were plenty of frontline workers, nurses etc that refused to get it. They are now no longer part of the healthcare system. And we face a huge shortage now.

Hospitals and healthcare systems were forced by the govt to comply. If they wanted federal funds to pay for the care they were forced to provide.

It's easy to get the narrative you want, when anything to the contrary is cancelled out.

I happen to support the vaccine. But I totally support those that chose not to.

Our economy here boomed from COVID. We didn't have mask or vaccine mandates. People flocked here. And have never left. We had Covid here, but nothing like the world said we were going to get. Very low rate overall.
We Floridians enjoyed being able to go places without having the Stasi request our papers to get into restaurants or stores like it was in NY. We did well too comparatively so.
I know probably 3 dozen healthcare providers that refused to introduce the vaccine into any of their patients. Because they weren't comfortable with it. The oath they took "To do no harm" cost them a job. None of them are any longer in healthcare. They just said eff this, I'll retire.

Further there were plenty of frontline workers, nurses etc that refused to get it. They are now no longer part of the healthcare system. And we face a huge shortage now.

Hospitals and healthcare systems were forced by the govt to comply. If they wanted federal funds to pay for the care they were forced to provide.

It's easy to get the narrative you want, when anything to the contrary is cancelled out.

I happen to support the vaccine. But I totally support those that chose not to.

Our economy here boomed from COVID. We didn't have mask or vaccine mandates. People flocked here. And have never left. We had Covid here, but nothing like the world said we were going to get. Very low rate overall.

What state are you in?
Y’all are naive. You don’t think big brother will control and or delete info contrary to the narrative? Must have slept thru the entire plandemic. They didn’t censor, cancel or delete anything did they? How hard was it to find open info regarding things ulterior to the directive? Mask up and shut up. Get the shot and shut up. Were you able to find anything that said masks didn’t work, the shot didn’t work, you could still catch, carry and transmit it after the shot on cnn, msnbc, google, Twitter, Facebook or anywhere else? NOPE!
Nope? Seriously? I found a boatload of information on both sides of the argument. I learned early on in life to approach all important decisions without prior bias. It can be really challenging to recognize when it's happening. The fact that you think there was no information that agrees with your theories is puzzling. Some of it was pretty compelling.
Your awareness seems limited to the way you think things should be.
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Nope? Seriously? I found a boatload of information on both sides of the argument. I learned early on in life to approach all important decisions without prior bias. It can be really challenging to recognize when it's happening. The fact that you think there was no information that agrees with your theories is puzzling. Some of it was pretty compelling.
Your awareness seems limited to the way you think things should be.
You could find no positive info on ivermectin
Anyone who advised its use were fired, canceled and disappeared.
Anything and everything regarding masks was ‘they work don’t ask questions’
I could go on but the availability of info contrary to the govts directive was non existent.
There was ONE story to be told and it was theirs nobody else’s.
Surprised you think it was different?

It will be no different regarding anything or anyone else they don’t like soon enough.
Hell Colorado just erased trump from the 24 potus ticket. Stole the right of the people to vote for who they wish. It’s criminal.
I guess it’s now time to remove Biden from all red state ballots due to the 28th and his mental incapacity.
You could find no positive info on ivermectin Anyone who advised its use were fired, canceled and disappeared. Anything and everything regarding masks was ‘they work don’t ask questions’ I could go on but the availability of info contrary to the govts directive was non existent. There was ONE story to be told and it was theirs nobody else’s. Surprised you think it was different?
You suppose maybe my experience was different? I’ve never self medicated. Research and eat right, exercise and get enough sleep.
Your statement about masks is not true for anyone. That is the subject I read the most about. I only wore one at work because it was required, and at the market because it was requested and it didn’t bother me much. The cheap paper masks most people wore are not much good, especially when you wear the same one over and over. Typing that information contrary to protocol was not available is not true at all. It serves you in this argument but it’s wrong. I read extensively about masks and the vaccines and the argument against was worth reading. Since I’ve never had a flu shot, which ironically a lot of vehemently anti covid vaxxers used to get yearly at work, I waited. My sister convinced me to do it but I have a lot of confidence in my immune system. Again it didn’t bother me much nor did I have any side effects. I’ll never know if the vaccine helped suppress my symptoms when I later got Covid but in this conversation that point is moot.
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You could find no positive info on ivermectin
Anyone who advised its use were fired, canceled and disappeared.
Anything and everything regarding masks was ‘they work don’t ask questions’
I could go on but the availability of info contrary to the govts directive was non existent.
There was ONE story to be told and it was theirs nobody else’s.
Surprised you think it was different?

It will be no different regarding anything or anyone else they don’t like soon enough.
Hell Colorado just erased trump from the 24 potus ticket. Stole the right of the people to vote for who they wish. It’s criminal.
I guess it’s now time to remove Biden from all red state ballots due to the 28th and his mental incapacity.
Yes I clearly remember a Democrat elected I think State Representative went public stating she took that Ivermectin and was clear of symptoms in like 3 days.

She was never seen again. She posted on her government site that she had been Censored by her party. I'll try and find the clip. She broke ranks with the Dem narrative. Curtains for her.

And I can't remember her name. I'm sure they'd prefer details like that get forgotten as thoroughly as possible.