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Can you say dumbass?

Bruce Bell

Apr 22, 2010
Top 12 Reasons to Vote Democrat

1. I voted Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I've decided to marry my German Shepherd.

2. I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't.

3. I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

4. I voted Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody Is offended by it.

5. I voted Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.

6. I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if It will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a GM Chevy Volt.

7. I voted Democrat because I'm not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.

8. I voted Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health-care, education, and Social Security benefits, and we should take away the social security from those who paid into it.

9. I voted Democrat because I believe that businesses should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrats see fit.

10. I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.

11. I voted Democrat because I think that it's better to pay billions for their oil to people who hate us, but not drill our own because it might upset some endangered beetle, gopher or fish.

12. I voted Democrat because my head is so firmly planted up my ass it's unlikely that I'll ever have another point of view.
I agree with ya on this.
That way you don't take the heat all by yourself:laugh:
And with all that said the people still voted Democrat so what's that say about the Republican party :poke:. If you are growing tired of the ole U S of A. Maybe you can move to your new spouses native country of Germany :rofl:
Fox News. Now there's a reliable source :laugh:
As apposed to the ones who broadcast a false story about a republican candidate during the 2008 election, Or the ones who say an AR 15 was used in sandy hook.

Is there any news outlet that is not toting the party line? At least Fox News brings a new perspective to news. When they get too close to making a real point and exposing something inconvenient the Liberal media goes into over drive to discredit and slander Fox news.
Huh, wonder why Fox commands such a high rating slice...must be that a lot of people agree....
As apposed to the ones who broadcast a false story about a republican candidate during the 2008 election, Or the ones who say an AR 15 was used in sandy hook.

Is there any news outlet that is not toting the party line? At least Fox News brings a new perspective to news. When they get too close to making a real point and exposing something inconvenient the Liberal media goes into over drive to discredit and slander Fox news.

I myself have come full circle on the weapon used. Initially it was then it wasn't and a video showed them supposedly removing an Ar15 from trunk of car. But after seeing video repeatedly I've convinced myself weapon taken from trunk WAS NOT an Ar15 but instead some sort of shotgun. If this video is the only things convincing the conspiracy theorists that no Ar15 was used inside than they are wrong. Medical examiner and coroner have both said wounds were from that caliber and many shell cases were found on scene. Now unless there is a total and complete agreeance on law enforcement and media lying to us I just don't think it is anything else other than the truth. An Ar15 was used to do the deed. Still wont change my opinion on civilian ownership but I believe now that was weapon used.
You may not like their 'news' but at least you hear ALL of the news there. Of course you should check for yourself by searching their site. You don't have to read the articles that come up but you will see they report everything, they don't cherry pick what to report.

IMO, that makes a huge difference.

Fox News. Now there's a reliable source :laugh:
I like to review a range of information. CBS News, Drudge Report, MSN, Fox News, ORG.... I like to think I have an open mind, always thinking "it must be me, I'm missing something", but I just cannot succumb to the notion that the values and standards thet got us this great country and helped us maintain it through 2 world wars, should not be thrown out in favor of some uncertain liberal progressive utopia that has no succesful precedent. One thing I do know is that allot of civilazations have come & gone. A good way to "go" is to abandon the success factors that got you through the first 200 years.
I'm almost at the point that I agree with you, they deserve what they get but they unfortunately have to drag everyone else down with them.

However, I think people like you don't know ALL the facts because you don't hear it from your sources. All the previous threads with numbers and stats regarding 1 topic or another have no validity to you or you are conditioned not believe them. For instance, you probably don't watch fox news but you regard it as all lies because you are conditioned to believe it's all lies from your sources. Your response maybe that 'well all you watch is fox news'. Why yes I do but I also watch 'other' news, after all I'm in Illinois ???

As a general service to all readers of this reply, liberal or conservative. There is a 'show' called 'fox news watch' that discusses the news media and their coverage or lack of coverage of news topics. It covers the news media and not the news stories. Even if you don't like fox news, this show is a good way to find out where to go to find information on news topics you may not be aware of.

As a test case to prove my hypothesis:
1. Do you know about the controversy regarding Obama's NLRB appointees?
2. Do you know anything about the past Immigration reform proposals before this weeks speech from Obama?
3. Do you know anything about the actual numbers regarding firearms violence.
4. Benghazi?
5. Zimmerman, Martin, stand your ground. Media?

The best way to fool people in to agreeing with you is to give them only the information that backs what you say and leave everything out. The US media have figured out outright lying doesn't work, 'Pravda', Baghdad Bob, failed because of that. The US media have mastered the art of mixing enough truth into lies and delivering it with 'emotion' like Hitler. Look at the gun control controversy going on now. Partial facts, all emotion. It's a common formula utilized to control popular opinion.

I hope this doesn't sound like hate speeech. :whistle: or maybe:
Col. Jessep: You want answers?
Kaffee: I think I'm entitled to.
Col. Jessep: *You want answers?*
Kaffee: *I want the truth!*
Col. Jessep: *You can't handle the truth!*

And with all that said the people still voted Democrat so what's that say about the Republican party :poke:. If you are growing tired of the ole U S of A. Maybe you can move to your new spouses native country of Germany :rofl:
oh my goodness! your arguments for voting democrat are very convincing! They are also politically, socially, morally, and logically sound! You have converted me good sir. Just to assure you of my sincerity i am going to burn my coveted Rush Limbaugh coffee cup and Ann Coulter mouse pad. Thank you for allowing me to see the light!!! :bowdown:
Fox News. Now there's a reliable source :laugh:

Yes because Fox has had to back off their broadcast because of inaccuracies , but no, we must get all our information from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, Moveon.org ..........

And the number one reason I voted Democrat was because everyone else does :laugh:
I never seen such a bunch of sore LOSERS... you lost give it up...Let's work together to try and get things done instead of regurgitating Garbage.
I never seen such a bunch of sore LOSERS... you lost give it up...Let's work together to try and get things done instead of regurgitating Garbage.

Word. This whole my side your side mentality is ruining the country, I don't like Obama but he's the potus now.
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