Won the battle with WinFix


Donating Member
The people who put out WinFix need to be shot. I don't know if anyine else has been infected with their MalWare. I've been fighting with it for a week trying to get rid of it. The mother f**kers that put this out know how to hide their stuff.

For those who haven't seen it yet, when you open a browser window, it opens another window, without you wanting or asking for it, taking you to their site and it runs a "scan" of your system and tells you that your registry has problems which is causing your computer to run slowly. For only 49 dollars you can buy WinFix to clean-up the registry and speed up your computer.

I didn't fall for it, but in my quest to get this shid off of my computer, I found many who fell for this. I guess it's not too hard to believe that since the WinFix site is designed to look like a MicroSoft update site. DON'T BE FOOLED BY THIS. From what I've read, all that buying WinFix does is uninstall the MalWare/Adware/Virus that they put on your computer in the first place.


Anyway, cleanning it up is a bi*ch. Just when you think you've gotten rid of it, it's back on the next reboot. I think I have it beat. Here's the trick. Using Lavasoft Ad-Aware (get the freeware version), download the newest definitions. Shutdown your PC, then boot up in Safe Mode (press F8 during boot-up). This will prevent loading any of the WinFix components. Run Ad-Aware and it will find and remove it. If you nav e not used Ad-Aware before, you may get 100's of problems found. You only need to be concerned with the Critical Objects.

Now that WinFix has been removed, my computer runs faster and has stopped locking up. Amazing how that works.
It's not on my PC and I hope it stays that way! I hope somebody look sinto this and the A Holes sending that out get their's!
Webroot Spysweeper 4.0. The best $29.00 you'll ever spend. (except for that TRE or course)