who can get dealers cost on a pc2 and how do i get it to canada

i live 2 hours from detroit and 2 hours from niagara falls. i want to get a good deal on a new pc2 for my 2000 busa, but the local bike shops or asking way too much. who can get deals and how would i pay and how do i get it across the border i don't know how much duty i'll get nailed for when it crosses the border. dirty pete have you ever order stuff from the usa, what happens at the border with things like the pc2? does anyone live near me on the usa side? if anyone can get dealer prices or has any answers for these questions just post prices in can" or us funds.

thanks maniac
A canadian company explained that purchases of $200 or less are free of duty between Canada and the US. Have you tried to talk with Turbo1300?
i will be sending one to the Netherlands this week. how much are they going for up there? i have to send a helmet there to Quebec. I have to fill out papers at the US post office for both of them so they won't have problems going through customs. send me a email when you have time. my email is in my profile.
Canadian bud of mine stopping by house on way to Florida at Christmas...lives in Cambridge...let me know if I can help.
Marshall: I work for Parts Canada and we sell Dynojet products exclusively to Canadian dealers. I believe the PCII are going for about $450-499 CDN. Go to the largest dealer in your area and ask them to call Parts Canada (1-877-277-7560 - customer service line) and get a part#/price for you. If the dealer buys alot of Dynojet products they should be able to give you a better price than retail.

It is expensive, but that's the price you pay to carry the unit with you full time, you can opt to use the Yosh Box to adjust your FI, should only cost about $50-80 depending on the dealer.

I believe the PCII sells for $299 US which is about $450 CDN plus shipping, duty etc etc...

Hope this helps.
BullDog am I correct on the $200 import duty waiver?

BullDog is your product line the same as Parts Unlimited?

Are you the Ohlins importer as well, do you have the new Busa Spec rear shock with ride height adjustment?

Have you sold any of those Busa M-4's yet?
Maniac I have brought stuff over and under $200 and don't get hit with duties at all that I can remember. There's tax and always a "customs administration fee" of around $25 if your item is sent by mail. If you send your item via UPS and they have to do the customs biz for you they (UPS) will suck you dry...like $50 or more for border brokering no matter what the item's value is.
I think what your offering the members is great. I was given a price of $244, just wondering what the real price is and would you be able to send me one (to Maryland).
KawAbuser, not sure about the import duty waiver...

We have alot of the same products as Parts Unlimited..but we are the only HJC distributor in Canada.. We are slowly growing as we are a newly established company, virtually owned by Parts Unlimited. We will pick up more and more of their lines as we go and expand.

We don't have Ohlins yet, but we can special order anything from Parts Unlimited and the dealer is forced to buy it (makes sense).