Pics of my Busa.

ddBusa, actually there was no fender mod when that pic was taken, I had just cut the rear flap off flush with the tail.

Since that picture I have added a really nice fender eliminator kit from competition werks. It was a little pricey, at $129.00, but it looks really nice.

When i get a chance to take some pics of it, Ill post them for you.
Lofty Abuse

What did you use to get that shine, mine never looks that good!
Looks nice Lofty, I have the same color,same pipe. Where's the plastic that goes in front of the rear wheel? The little spoiler that hooks to the lowers?

[This message has been edited by WARBIRD (edited 17 August 2000).]
Not shot. You know this bike is a very photogenic machie. Did you wet the black top before you too that picture? Nice touch!
Thanks for the comments guys.

I use Meguiars Gold Class clear coat wax and Eagle One "WET" spray on polish.

I think they only the fender eliminator in the polished stainless, it comes with a bracket to mount the tag, I just havent put it on yet. The rear signals are called Frog Eyes, I think. I bought them from Blais Cycle down here. They said they get them from some guy in France of all places. They are very similar to the ones they sell at Moto-Tek.

Hehe, you noticed, I sprayed the driveway down with the garden hose, figured it would give it a nice look.
Lofty, I like that fender eliminator kit , but what about the turn signals? are those yellow things that seem to be facing downward turn signals? Are they legal? I don't know if they'll fly here in California if they are, does the kit provide different turn signals? Please explain if you can!
Yeah, those are the turn signals. As far as them being legal, I dont know. I dont think that turn signal are a major concern to law enforcement down here. They can be seen quite well though. No, those were not the signals that come with the kit. The ones that come with it are the little Lockhart Phillips ones. They stick out from the bracket that holds the tag on. Much more noticable than the ones I have, I guess thats why I didnt like them.
Lofty, it looks pretty good. Is that stainless steel?

Do they offer that kit in fiberglass? And what are the signal lights you're using?

Kind of curious, where are you gonna mount the plate on that beautiful rear end? :)
I kinda liked the way it looked without it, but since that pic Ive been told that it hurts top end performance not havin it, its back on now.