Recent content by OldIronsides

  1. O

    pregnancy = get rid of your favorite toy??

    OMG..this thread has SOOOO reminded me why I'll never have kids. Sorry to be a kill joy about the bundle, but jesus, the idea of having a kid and then having to get rid of my bike over the f'er...I can't begin to empathize, but I wanted to say, NO F"ING WAY am I selling my bike! I can go you...
  2. O

    Monday 01/02/06

    I'll be there with bells on....and little else! ha!
  3. O

    My First Ever Speeding Ticket!

    I'm a bit confused why a Motorcycle cop is able to actually stop a BUSA? I'm not advocating running from our wonderful tax collector...err.....police force.....but in general I think motorcycle cops single out other motorcyclists because they view themselves as some sort of biker behavior...
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    2005 Decal for Limited Edition

    Hi all, I scratched up my left side panel including my decal. I have a 2005 gunmetal LE model and I'm having that panel repainted, but I need to give the guy the proper decal. I would guess the decals are specific to the paint job...and I've looked a bit online but can't find anyplace that...
  5. O

    Baby Pictures of Gretchen

    I'm the proud owner of an 05 LE too. I still have stickers and mudflap on, even after 900 miles. I just can't get off the thing long enough to do any of that stuff. Needless to say, the 05LE is the bomb diggity. :-) Miyamoto
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    New Ride

    I traded my Royal Star Tour Deluxe in to get my Busa. I miss the long distance hauling part of it, but to have kept both would have been insanity. It would have been crazy, because I seriously doubt I would ever chose the highway bike over the busa unless I was going two up at least 4 hour ride...
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    Stolen Bikes

    I'm a State Farm fan as well. :-) I've only had one bike stolen in my life. The screwed up part is it was my first bike, the one I learned to ride on. It was an old Norton Commando 850. I was in California at the time and that bike smoked like crazy (as old Brit bikes like to do). Cali people...
  8. O

    Motorcyclist Gets Run Over By 18 Wheeler

    That is seriously screwed up. I'll say a little motorcycle prayer for the guy. It was somewhat odd to hear a story where the news media cares about a biker getting hurt/killed. Usually it's the wheelie popping 140mph biker that got hurt story...with the "see, what did we tell you about them"...
  9. O

    How Much Do you LOVE your Bike

    It's ok to love your bike, just don't LOVE your bike!
  10. O

    Fl Busa ride, were back

    Sgt Busa,I've done nothing but get drenched since I've owned this bike. What gives? Is this some sort of Busa manly test or something? As I have a long commute on my bike each day, I'm used to getting rained on, but I've never learned to enjoy it. I need some Buddhist mantra or something to...
  11. O

    All you guys down in Florida heard about

    I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure every single ride on my busa is a LOT more risky than swimming with sharks! Sad to hear the story though, my heart goes out to the family. <!--EDIT|OldIronsides Reason for Edit: None given...|1119883807 -->
  12. O

    Fl Busa ride, were back

    I was in the Army for ten years in a tank. Having a sexy long hair do hasn't been in the cards for some time, even though I could grow a wolfman jack if I set my mind to it <!--EDIT|OldIronsides Reason for Edit: None given...|1119878247 -->
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    Fl Busa ride, were back

    Here is a pic of me from today. While not immediately earth shattering, I include it as my fellow Florida group riders were no doubt questioning my sanity as I did not have any safety include a helmet, on our ride. I've ridden for 25+ years and have never had a helmet. I moved from...
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    No self a kill story

    Nice to hear another ex-vmax'er like myself and your impression of the Busa. I've only had my busa for a week, and the difference even acceleration wise from the max is astounding. I simply love my new bike! I had 150 miles on my bike when I went on yesterday's Florida group ride. I now have...
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    Fl Busa ride, were back

    Yeah, that last pic of us on our bikes really looks nice.I have the larger full resolution version of it if anyone wants it. Just pm me with email address. "=) Miyamoto <!--EDIT|OldIronsides Reason for Edit: None given...|1119783675 -->