Recent content by HT_USMC

  1. HT_USMC

    Denver Bike Cop knocked off bike in protest

    He shouldn't have done that. Period. But, I'm trying to figure out what genius thought it would be a good idea to ride their police motorcycles through the crowd, on the grass, "just because". I can only assume they got what they wanted. Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
  2. HT_USMC

    Very interesting.

    This has been one of my biggest complaints concerning illegal "immigration" (aka migration)... The money leaving out borders is amazing. This is the sole reason I left Bank of America. The set up a checking account that actually provides a card for family members back in Mexico (and marketed...
  3. HT_USMC

    Met a member today... awesome.

    Don't hate... there's enough bromance to go around! :cheerleader: :moon: I've missed the org. I've been away a bit over the last year.
  4. HT_USMC

    Met a member today... awesome.

    Be honest, you tried to invite me on a date to The Tail of the Dragon with you. Then you tried to disguise holding my hand as a hand shake! I knew something was up and I was forced to call you out and ask if you were a member of the org. I guess I look easy?! :cheerleader: Seriously though...
  5. HT_USMC

    funny - anger management

    :laugh: Copy aaaand paste. Thanks!
  6. HT_USMC

    Amazon - good for a laugh!

    Start at the top, don't miss page two, and enjoy! :laugh: trapeze "Woo Hoo! Che...'s review of Trion Active Wristband Review was for this product (a wristband):
  7. HT_USMC

    Rossi's Last Laugh

    Ducati, Fiat... Now that just makes too much sense! haha Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
  8. HT_USMC

    Punishment for Capt of carrier deserved or not ?

    +1 I couldn't remember the name for "SODS" night. These things are NAVY (and Marine Corps - if you're aboard ship at the time) tradition that the officers take part in, spectate, and comment/cheer on as well. The media is pushing the military around now and in doing so making the civilian...
  9. HT_USMC

    Punishment for Capt of carrier deserved or not ?

    I've got to be honest here, I'd rather have a CO/XO like this than some of the robotic and political CGs/COs/XOs that I had when I was in. Simple reason? I know the man understands "human". Sure, we are Marines (or Sailors) but when bullets start flying it's training, instinct, experience...
  10. HT_USMC

    Punishment for Capt of carrier deserved or not ?

    I'm sorry but I completely disagree with their decision. Ships still practice "shell backs" when crossing the equator. This is a ritual that has a few men dress as women, those crossing for the first time are typically stripped down to there skivvies for 24+ hours, and some moderate hazing...
  11. HT_USMC

    A Goldwing Carving the Dragon like last years turkey.

    I wonder if it's just wind coming around the bubble or maybe he has metallic pucks? Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
  12. HT_USMC

    Sound Deadening? Butyl sheets...

    Tagging this for future reference. Great thread. Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
  13. HT_USMC

    Hayabusa owner - North Tx. Maintenance Help Needed!

    I'm in Garland (which is probably a bit of a haul for you). Hit me up if you get into a pinch. There are several of us N / NE of Dallas here on the .org PM inbound with my info
  14. HT_USMC

    2 Weeks...

    Gene, you're both in my prayers! The most important thing to remember is the love you two share.
  15. HT_USMC

    $25 speeding pass in Nevada

    +1 I also am a little uneasy about the "transponder" being attached to the vehicle. Uh, who's watching us and when?!