Recent content by Gargamel

  1. G

    My New 'Busa

    I regret to disappoint you WWJD but your conclusions are incorrect. The reflection of solar radiation and or light photons, which is inherent of light colors such as the one in discussion here, will only make the bike slower. This happens due to the fact that the kinetic and motion energy of the...
  2. G

    brilliant deduction

    Well, I will have to agree with Revlis on this. However, he forgot to mention the ability of the '02 black busa to absorb the photons of light rather than reflecting them as any other lighter color would. The reason why this would make the black busa faster is that instead of colliding with the...
  3. G

    newbie owner

    Agree with Big_E, the silver busa thing is out of the question. Everybody knows that the '02 LE black/black is the fastest color in Busa history!! (I had to do it :-) ) Regards from Boston G
  4. G

    Can anyone help shed some light?Which Buuuuuuuusa?

    It happens that the Boston SE was mine. It broke bad and had to be towed at 5:00PM on the southeast expressway. (A mess). My bike is completely stock and only had like 800 miles when it happened, so the problem can happen to any '02 bike modified or stock. Regarding your choice, the '02 SE...
  5. G

    Starter Clutch URGENT PLEASE HELP!!?

    It broke! very badly. The engine case shattered completely to the point that the starter would not engage properly. The problem I have is identical to some of the descriptions I read about in this post as well as the remedy Suzuki has implemented was the same that was done to my bike. Imagine...
  6. G

    Starter Clutch URGENT PLEASE HELP!!?

    Be careful, I have an '02 Black SE and it never made any noise before the day it broke. It left me stranded in the Boston expressway at 5:00PM on a Friday I took to the dealership and they had another '02 with the problem. The fixed them with no questions and no charges (love warranty). Back...
  7. G


    Quincy, MA here. Snow and Cold sucks jd
  8. G


    Never heard of the recall. Two months ago my bike cracked the starter clutch case and everything while trying to start it. It took the dealer two months to get everything squared out and replace the started clutch assembly. I had talked to the regional suzuki rep (boston) and he told me that...
  9. G

    What year is your 'busa

    '02 Black SE The fastest color!
  10. G

    Were back, kinda

    Thank you Capt and all of those involved. Great finally back!!!