Your new years resolutins before the day gets here Let's list em here...


Dis in my way!
Staff member
Okay so lets put down some of our new years resolutions for this year...


1. Get my wind turbines up and running by summer
2. I am taking 2 trips this year.
3. Be happier and spend more time with friends face to face and less on facebook....

What are yours?
1. Lose 40 more lbs minimum...
2. Possibly get a hip replacement.
3. Spend as much time with my baby boy as possible.
4. Get outdoors more. More hunting, etc.
Find the weight that Newman and Bots lost.
Ride alot more with longer trips.
Improve my overall quality of life.
Try no to be so irritable all the time.
Lose some weight
Get a job and get on my feet again!
Quit smoking!! There I said it! It's in print I'm Effin done!
Find a way to make time to take family on small vacation thereby justifying going back to Robbinsville in April.
Only have one that is realistic.
Be happier and enjoy life more.

May try again to quit smoking. I am not so sure that I want to quit though.
I don't have any resolutions. Too many times I've wanted to do things, only to have my job snatch them away from me in one form or another. So I have given up on "resolutions", or even "plans", that mostly get turned into "maybe next year".
Do have some New Years Hopes though.. Hope my job doesn't eat my life alive like it has for the last 4 years. Hope I can keep my job (a bad job is better than no job). Hope I have the time and means to do some of the things I've been wanting to do for years. Hope that after 5 years of Busa ownership I will finally be able to make it to the Arkansas get together. Hope for a little less stress and a little more peace. It goes on, but those are some of the main ones.
Beat the living crap out of Jays laptimes at Barber :moon::laugh: TEAM GIXXER!
I'm with blanca and lurch...less / quit smoking = money for other things and by far a better quality of life... a second priority is to be active with hobbies that are a work out...winter sking / indoor biking at rays in cleveland...and outdoor biking when the snow goes away
I'm not big on resolutions either. but I need to quit smoking. losing weight is second. Quiting smoking and not gaining weight is a major combo.
Heck i'd like to just toss $6.00 a day in a jar by the front door and watch it add up... last few times I quit smoking I probably ate more then that in junk food to get by the craving's
No real biggies just to enjoy each day as it comes and hoping to meet some fine peeps from the Org when I come over in May - June with the wife and good friend for our cruise thru Alaska and road trip down the West Coast.:thumbsup:
- staying in good health condition
- be happy
- money for a turbo kit
- no more work, i need more time for my hobbies
- new teeth
- a weekend with jennifer aniston
- lower tax in ger
- 8 weeks vacation time (east coast)
1. Track days
2. Less Facebook
3. More friends meeting and traveling
5. more riding and learning how to repair more of the bike on my own
1. Track days
2. Less Facebook
3. More friends meeting and traveling
5. more riding and learning how to repair more of the bike on my own

BJ, whenever you are down here, we will do whatever Maint and such that you want... At least as long as I am here.
1. Ride more than I did this year

2. Do my first track day

3. Spend more time with the wife and less time working :thumbsup:
Get my body all healed ( still have foot and shoulder issues from 07 wreck) and start yoga and work out. I need to lose about 45 pounds. Once I get my body back together I can get it in shape and I will be able to get around a lot better.
Raise more productive honeybees, I want a minimum yield of 1 super per hive this year.
Raise my own queens
Be less tolerant of lib bs, its causing problems.
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