X10 video color camera on guard

I received my two micro color camera transmitter and receiver units to watch over my outside area of my house and also to keep and eye on my motorcycles and all I can say that these items do work very well.They will not work at night unless you have a bright light or trip lighting system that comes on when someone goes near the item you are monitoring.One of my unit works on 2.4gig transmitter that will transmit through walls 100 ft. and the units also have sound that is also transmitted.You can also use it to transmit DVD video and sound to a second TV system beside security monitoring.The second camera came with a 12 ft phone type cable attached to the camera head and both cameras are small units that can be used outside or inside.Now I can monitor my bikes while inside the house or check on my daughter when she is outside and playing or keep and eye on my mail box since we were having someone in our neighborhood stealing mail.Anyways a little info if someone is looking for a security system where budget and money is a factor.Price is under $90.00 ea.Check out X10.com*****My 2cents,Ride safe

[This message has been edited by Cisco San Jose (edited 17 February 2000).]

I was thinking of doing the same thing....Having never dealt with security systems...How difficult would it be to hook up a motion sensor to trigger a remote VCR to record any activity detected by the motion sensor?...Does X10 offer a kit to accomplish this?
Scott,I'm still playing around with the unit and will try various setup and I will post the best combo that I find and maybe other members can also update this posting.You can also check out the X10 website they have various other selection that might be what you want.Good Luck